hiccup & the night fury

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This is not actually finished ! Also tw: rape 😌✨️

"You can't stop him, Stoick. You can only prepare him. I know it seems hopeless but you wont always be around to protect him. He's going to get out there again. He's probably out there now!"

Hiccup looks over his makeshift map while making his way through the forest, trying to locate the fallen night fury. Crossing off the spots hes already checked. Defeated by the multiple failed atempts, he angerly scratches out the page with his charchol pencil. Frustrated he slaps the sketchbook shut. He rolls his eyes, sighing, as he stuffs the sketchbook into his fur vest.

"Oh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife, or mug. not me; I manage to lose an entire dragon!" he takes his anger out on a passing tree branch; Smacking it hard, it returns the favor quickly with with a sharp whack.

"Ow!" Hiccup exclaims, rubbing his cheek. Thats when he notices the sizeable tree branch had been torn away from its shaft. Putting two and two together, he follows the apparent path of the crash. Determined, he makes his way down. He peeks over the edge of a small incline, just to quickly dart back down with a gasp. Startled by the sight of the beast, only some feet away. Hesitantly looking back over wide eyed, taking in the roped up night fury. Nervous, he quickly pats over himself, finding his tiny dagger. He holds onto the base, frightened he tries focusing to gather what little courage he has. Hiccup reluctantly stumbles towards the injured dragon, hiding behind a boulder for a moment to catch his breath. Coming out from behind his cover, looking at the downed dragon, he lets a proudness sweep over him. Coming closer to the unresponsive dragon, stunned for a moment in joyful victory.

"Oh wow, I did it! Hah, i did it! This fixes everything! Yes!!" He shouts gleefully to himself.

"I have brought down this mighty beast!" he says, placing his boot a top the dragon pridefully. The night fury pulls away from him, letting out a low bellow. Hiccup stumbles back startled, and hastily points his pitiful dagger to the dragon. Shakily making his way back over to the now heaving night fury. Hiccup looks over the beast bound indefinitely by rope. They meet gaze for a short moment before Hiccup regathers himself and his courage. Breathing short breaths, he furrows his brow, breaking the eye contact. He starts with a whisper to the dragon, more or less trying to convince himself.

"im going to kill you, dragon; and then I-im, i'll cut your heart out and take it to my father... I am a viking. I am a viking!" He yells at the helpless dragon before aligning the dagger above the night fury, his eyes darting back to the dragons steady gaze. He faulters for a second, closing his eyes tight as he repositions the dagger. The night fury drops his head in sad defeat. Hiccups conscience gets the better of him, and he groans feeling disapointment towards himself, letting his arms fall to his sides. Sighing in his own defeat, he looks back at the ropes.

"I did this." he says as he turns to leave the dragon helpless, but he finds yet again, his conscience wont let him leave the dragon. Quickly kneeling by the dragon, Hiccup starts to saw at the rope with his dagger. Slowly letting the night fury free, but the dragon takes his first chance to pounce on Hiccup. He holds him down by a paw on his chest. Hiccup gasps at the sudden and harsh movement, terrified and breathing heavy, staring a gape up at the overpowering dragon. Hiccup turns his face slightly, gripping at the earth under him as the night fury leans down closer to the petite boy. The dragon lets out a low gravely growl, making intense eye contact with Hiccup before sniffing at his head and neck. The boy left shaking and stunned doesn't move under the weight of the dragon. The beast gives a deafening roar into Hiccups face, which he turns away from. Dazed and throughly scared for his life, Hiccup freezes. The dragon drags his paw down slightly, his claws catching the collar of Hiccups tunic and pulling it away from his neck. He leans deeply into the smaller, taking in his scent. The boy shudders at the warmth from the beasts breath on his skin. The night fury seems enamored by the fragile runt under him, continuing to sniff down the boys chest. Hiccups body tenses up as the dragon takes the end of his tunic in between his teeth. With a yank the night fury tears the fabric away from Hiccups body. Hiccup gasps as the chilly breeze meets his flushed skin. His eyes flitting to the dragon as the larger takes his paw off Hiccups chest. Before Hiccup has the chance to pull away, the oversized reptile claws at the start of his pants, ripping the material down. Hiccup abashed, pulls his knees together tightly, letting a whimper of dismay out. The night fury ignoring the boys resistance, forcibly seperates his legs with a paw, holding one leg against the ground. He presses his muzzle inbetween Hiccups legs, sniffing rather obscenely.

"Oh gods!" Hiccup bleats, quickly reaching his tremling hands to the dragons head in an effort to push the beast away. Hiccup writhes against the dragons snout. As the night fury persists, he feels something instinctual come over him. The dragon pulling away, uses both of his front paws to adjust Hiccups positioning. Hiccups eyes go wide in shock, only now noticing the night furys blatant arousal hanging from his underbelly. The feral dragon takes only a moment to align himself with Hiccup. The boy left terrified of a worse fate, knowing a struggle couldnt end well on his part. He gulps at the thought of his imminent rape, and with out a second to spare, the night fury thrusts himself into Hiccup roughly. Hiccup gasps with a moan, his eyes welling up at the sudden and intense pain. He lets his head fall back, seeing stars as he tries to catch his breath. The wild dragon holding hiccups small hips in place, starts pacing himself in and out.

"Oh fuck!" Hiccup gasps out, releasing a continuous stream of agonizing moans as the night fury methodically fucks him. The dragon leaving not even an inch of Hiccup unfucked, steadily picking up his pace. Hiccup arches his back as the intense pain slips into pleasure. The warm tension in his lower half growing as the dragon grinds into him. The largers under belly rubbing against Hiccups erect clit. Panting, he brings his wavering hands to the dragons chest as he melts into the ground. Now tearing up from his own hedonism, contorting his hips in motion with the night fury. Finding himself turned on by his own meekness. Hiccup lets out sweet whimpers of lust as he feels himself growing closer to climax. He lets his grip on the beast above him slip as the dragon emits a bellowing moan; rearing his head back in pure bliss. Unbeknownst to Hiccup the night fury is seconds away from releasing his seed into his mismated human anatomy.

"Ah~ yes!" Hiccup moans in delight as the dragon brings him to orgasm, his hips pulsing involuntarily with his thrusts. Only a moment after, the dragons cum erupts against Hiccups cervix, filling any space left to fill in the young man. Panting in extasy, Hiccup feels his once incredibly tense muscles loosen. Barely opening his eyes, the boy looks up at the heaving beast above him. Feeling conflicting emotions as the dragon quickly backs away and runs deeper into the forest. Hiccup holds his shaking hands to his bare chest and brings his knees together, fighting against the weakness in his trembling legs. Only taking a moment before trying to stand. Somehow he lifts himself off the ground, pulling whats left of his pants up. The andrenaline in his system only lasting a second as he starts to walk towards the way he came, only for his knees to go weak. His legs wobble before he hits the ground. He lets out a strained whimper at the impact, excepting his defeat on the forest floor.

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