Imagine #10: Bucky

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I sat on my couch, wringing my hands nervously. SHIELD had called me in, and all I had been informed of is that they needed me at they're headquarters. SHIELD had definitely changed since I was there last in the 1900's. Yes, I'm a super-soldier, or whatever they're calling me. I had been abducted one night, and experimented on. From there, I was abnormally strong, and didn't react to certain things like other human beings, such as common illnesses, and, well, getting drunk. My sister, Peggy Carter, had started this whole business of SHIELD.

Suddenly, a tall man walked in the room. On one eye, he had an eye-patch, dressed in a dark black trench-coat. I stood, walking up to him. I held out my hand, offering a smile.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Carter."

He chuckled, nodding. "I'm well aware. I'm Director Fury, head of SHIELD."

Yeah, well, not as good as Peggy was. I thought to myself.

"Nice to meet you, Director. What's your business with me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, we may be in need of your assistance, and-"

"No, no. I'm sorry sir, but I've crossed that option off the list many decades ago." I interrupted, holding up my hand.

Director Fury sighed, nodding. "I thought you'd say that. Can we take a walk, Miss. Carter?"

I nodded. "Call me Y/N, please. Miss. Carter reminds me too much of my sister."

Fury nodded. "My condolences."

I smiled a thank you, walking out of the door with him. We walked in silence for a few minutes until we reached what seemed to be a meeting room. There at the table sat a tall, blond figure. I gasped, tears prickling my eyes. I threw my hand to my mouth, trying to suppress the loud sob that escaped my mouth.

"Steve... is that.. oh my god." I whispered, biting my lip.

He turned around, and I immediately ran toward him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Oh, Steve." I sobbed uncontrollably, unbelievably happy. Steve, the one man I had left from my past. The only one who could rekindle memories of all my deceased friends. "How?" I managed, choking on my words.

Steve chuckled, beginning to cry himself. "I was frozen. The ice kept me alive for over seventy years."

I let out another cry, stuffing my face in his neck. "That must have been horrible." I whispered.

Steve laughed, rubbing circles on my back. "I'm alright."

We stayed quiet, our arms wrapped around each other until I reluctantly pried myself away from him. I wiped my tears, sniffling quietly.

"There's someone else here, actually." Steve whispered. I bit my lip, tears brimming my eyes once more.

"Who?" I asked hesitantly. Steve lightly grasped my hand, walking me to another room. As we entered, my knees felt weak, my head warm. I collapsed to the ground, muttering one word.

"Bucky." I cried out, sobbing loudly. My lost love was alive. My old friend was alive. At this point, I was curled up on the floor in fetal position, the waterfall of tears blurring my sight. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, holding my tight. A familiar voice started whispering in my ear, instantly causing me to cry more, but this time, out of pure joy.

"Oh, Bucky, I missed you so much.I thought you were dead. I love you, I love you." I muttered, spewing as many words and thoughts as I could, as if at any moment they'd both vanish, and I'd wake up.

Bucky sucked in a breath, setting me down. He wiped my tears, holding my head lightly, making me face him.

"Say that again." He whispered. I finally got to look at him- his handsome features being imprinted in my brain. I was unable to hold back the smile that I so wanted to let out.

"I love you." I whispered, choking on a cry. "I've missed you and Steve so much, you don't know how much I-"

Bucky interrupted me with his cool lips upon mine. I draped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I heard Steve cough, exiting the room as he allowed us to have our moment. Finally, he released me, letting me quick breath. As soon as I had air, I attacked my lips on his, filling the kiss with all of the pain, loneliness and passion I needed to give him. I pulled away, smiling softly.

"I missed you. I missed you so much."

Bucky smiled, softly stroking my cheek with his thumb. "I missed you too. God, if I had known sooner you were alive, I... I would've tried harder."

"Tried harder...? What do you mean?"

"HYDRA, they captured me... after I fell off the train, HYDRA took me in. Replaced my arm, and made me a war machine. I could've tried to break out sooner and find you, and-"

"Bucky. We're together now. It's alright. I love you." I whispered, placing another kiss on his lips. He sighed, nodding.

"I love you too."

Ok, wow! 1.4k reads! You guys are seriously the best. I'm so overjoyed with all the positive feedback I'm getting. Love you guys!


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