Chapter 5 - The Waterfall

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Leaning down, you cupped the cold water in your hands as you splashed it over your face. Before reaching for more water to drink, you sat back and looked at your surroundings. The immense waterfalls and valleys were beautiful, under any other circumstance you would've loved to be here with Horus. You began to wonder what would happen if he did indeed defeat Set, would he return to Hathor? Marry her even? What would become of you? You let out a deep sigh as you closed your eyes, embracing the cool air from the power of the falling water.

Suddenly, your eyes shot open as you felt an extreme force throw you across the rocks onto a ledge. "This is becoming unacceptable!" you muttered, groaning as you turned over. You then saw one of Set's followers in his beast form aggressively walk up to you. Before he could touch you again, you used your long legs to kick him in the face as you tried to stand up. However, before you could stand, he pulled your leg from under you, making you fall on your stomach.

Before you could react, he reached for your neck and held you up. The God began to cut off your air, leading you to lack the strength you needed to transform into your own beast form. You struggled as you attempted to kick or punch him.

"Where is the eye of Horus?" the beast yelled, holding you higher.

"Up your behind alongside the goats you keep up there!" you sneered as you sent him a cold stare. However, this didn't improve your situation as the beast tightened his grip on your neck as he repeated his question

"Right here," answered a voice behind him, you felt a sigh of relief when you saw Horus and even Bek, who stood behind him. 

"I thought you were crawling sightless in the mud somewhere! Cut him down!" The beast ordered. Horus drew the beast's attention, long enough for you to draw one of your dual swords from behind your back. With one swift movement, your blade sliced through the God's arm as he yelled in pain. You dropped to the floor as the God's followers ran towards you. You slipped onto one knee, bending down to avoid the bull's attack and in turn slicing the back of his knee. As the God dropped to his knees, you jumped onto his back and drove both your swords into his neck, creating a fountain of gold spurting out.

Looking at Horus, you saw him easily slice another God with his spear, pulling it out leaving the God dying on the rocks. He then jumped down to face two more on either side of him. Horus began to easily fight against the two Gods until one of them managed to slice his shoulder. Seeing him wince in pain, you grabbed a small knife from your thigh and threw it directly into the Beast's head, making him fall back to his death. 

Horus took the knife you threw and threw it to the other bull, cutting his leg off and sending him over the edge of the cliff. As you looked to try and find Bek you saw another God hold him by his neck as he made futile attempts to escape. You ran towards the beast and jumped onto his back, driving your sword through his skull. As you did so, the beast's grip on Bek lessened until he fell out of its grasp. Your stomach dropped as you saw Bek slip off the edge of the cliff.

"Bek!" you shouted as you jumped after him, grabbing his wrist whilst using your other hand to hold onto the ledge. You grunted as you tried to pull him up, but you had already spent a large portion of your strength fighting. You then heard Horus call your name as he ran to the edge of the cliff, seeing both you and Bek dangling. As Horus smiled at you, he saw your eyes widen as you shouted, "Look out!"

The God that you had amputated, lifted a large boulder and threw it onto Horus' head. Then. watching in horror as Horus' limp body plummeted to the lower pool beneath you. Without a second thought, you immediately kicked off the cliff and dived into the water.  Calling out for his name, you saw Horus' body float along the water's edge as you swam towards him. You saw Bek hold onto Horus' body as you also grabbed his arm. As you all near the edge of the pool, you heard Bek begin to scream.

Whilst quickly falling to the bottom, you gathered all the strength you had to transform into your metallic lioness form. You groaned with frustration as you used your strong claws to hold onto the stone or at least try to slow you all down. As you plummeted further, your claws left long trails of carved stone along the waterfall edges. Finally, you all came to a slow stop. Exhausted, you looked down to see Horus still unconscious. You gave a loud roar in your feline form to wake Horus from his slumber. He suddenly awoke and realized the situation, you transformed your face back into your humanoid form as you looked down at him.

"After you," you exclaimed as your arms became tired of holding him and Bek up and holding yourself with the other. After you let go of Horus and watched him dive into the water pool a couple of meters behind you, you finally transformed into your humanoid form and let yourself fall back into the water. Soon after you felt the cold water engulf you, you began swimming behind Bek and Horus to shore. After a few last strokes, you made it to shore and immediately collapsed onto your back with exhaustion.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Bek panting, looking up at the heights you all just fell from. 

"I just saved you didn't I?" Horus replied to which you began laughing, he then turned to look at you offended.

"Oh, you saved me?" Bek asked in disbelief, looking from you to Horus after you had clearly just saved both of their asses. You looked back at both of them as you lifted yourself up onto your elbows. You tended to ignore Horus and Bek's bickering as it was constant. You attempted to stand on your weak legs and rinse out all of your soaked armor. 

"The roads will be watched now, Set will send better hunters," Horus stated as he began to walk ahead as you and Bek quickly followed.

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