Chapter 8 - Set's Pyramid

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You had all spent hours walking through the burning sand of the desert, keeping your mind focused on your plan. Pulling your feet along the red sand, your eyes began to grow hazy as you looked ahead. Over the past few days, you had spent much of your power and you needed to rest. Then, you felt a large pair of hands rub your shoulders as you continued to walk. Looking to your left, you saw Horus' tired face appear from behind you.  You placed your hand over his as you looked at him. Whilst you walked, you looked behind you to Bek with guilt. Horus noticed your distracted demeanor.

"What is it?" He asked looking from you to the mortal. 

"You know his Zaya can never come back," you said lowly whilst shaking your head slowly. "The king doesn't have the power, Anubis doesn't have the power. You deceived him Horus. He will probably die trying to break into Set's Pyramid." You grew more annoyed as you explained yourself.

"He offered his life," Horus replied as he saw your anger.

"Because he thought he could save her! You're exploiting his courage instead of behaving how a King should." You snapped back.

"He believes what he wants to believe," Horus replied as he kept his eyes on the horizon.

"Because you've given him hope that he can, you've been blind in more ways than one," You explained as you fought against the harsh winds.

"I did not choose a path of revenge, I chose none of this. You tell me what kind of power do I really have?" Horus spoke as he continued walking through the rough sand.

"You have the power to make this right, he deserves to know the truth Horus! I would want to know if it were you I was trying to save." You proclaimed as your voice quietened towards the end of your sentence, looking away.

"I need him to get us in to choke Set's fire, if he refuses we all die is that what you want?" He replied, not seeing sense in what you had been trying to tell him.

"Do you truly think so little of mortals?" You muttered as you watched Set's pyramid come into view. As you all slowed to a stop, you scanned the land below you. As the two other Gods and Bek eventually joined you, Horus looked at you with guilt after hearing your last sentence.

"It's too dangerous to cross the plain, we'll wait for darkness." He stated, looking beyond the horizon.

"But we're running out of time!" Bek pleaded as he edged forward. "I say we cross now,"

"And I say we wait," Horus concluded as he began to sit down beside you. As Horus decided it was best to camp where you were until nightfall, you walked to the edge of the sand dunes and rested your aching feet. As you sat, you realized that one of the straps to your sandal had become loose. Trying to fix it, Bek sat beside you and handed you a new strap to help you repair it. When he placed the strap in your hand, you returned a smile as you began to readjust your sandal.

"Thank you," You spoke as you looked towards Bek, seeing his troubled face. "There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face, but I can see your mind troubling you," Bek let out a long sigh as he looked across to the sun slowly setting.

"No matter how close we get to slaying Set, I feel like she's slipping away faster than I can reach her," he claims, turning to look at you for some hope. 

"Bek..." You trailed but failed to have the strength to tell him the truth. "I think I have an idea." You preached, edging around telling him that his beloved was really dead. You explained to Bek about Hathor's past as Mistress of the West. "Her duty was to help dead souls make their way to the afterlife, she's the Goddess of Love...even to those who've died. She may help you speak to Zaya once more." You softly spoke as you watched his face light up. Bek then quickly thanked you and proceeded to walk over to Hathor. You hoped he would value his last words with her as this would be the last time he would ever hear the sweet sound of her voice in his ears. Before you closed your eyes to relax, you heard footsteps behind you. You then turned to see Horus standing, looking at the horizon. Turning back to watch the pyramid, you felt him slowly sit next to you.

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