Chapter 4: Out Of The Frying Pan

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: There is a footnote at the end of this chapter.  


"Courage is found in unlikely places." – J.R.R. Tolkien

Qwark's shuttle approached the outer asteroid field on the edge of the planetary system, but there was yet no sign of his friends. Ratchet was feeling more than a little cramped by the limited space.

Clank noticed that Ratchet seemed moody, and lost in thought. "Ratchet, I can see you are bothered by what we both encountered back there. If you would like to talk about it, I am here for you."

Ratchet didn't look at him. "Not right now, Clank. I need a little time..."

There was an uncomfortable silence in the cabin for several more minutes, until Ratchet began shifting and fidgeting.

"Errrrgh. I really need to stretch here! Did we really need to go in such a tiny little shuttle?"

Qwark didn't look at him. "Relaaaax, Ratchet! Won't be long now! Through the asteroid belt at the edge of the system, and then a quick jump to the Krakar Nebula, where my friends will be waiting!" He then dipped his head a bit, and suddenly seemed to concentrate. "Ratchet'. Huh. Not gonna be easy calling you that. Not with HIM running around out there! It's just too unsettling! Perhaps we can call you another name! 'Fidget'. Or maybe 'Gizmo'. What do ya think?" Qwark turned and offered a very typical grin.

"Uh, leeet's just stick with Ratchet."

Qwark shrugged. "Eh. Suit yourself. But it will complicate things."

Ratchet observed Qwark for a moment. The variations in his costume. The altered insignia. It was all very strange to him. "So it's just 'Qwark', huh? Why not 'Captain Qwark'? Where's your title?"

Qwark now looked at him quizzically. "Captain'? Hmm. 'Captain' Qwark'." He pondered it for a moment or two, stroking his enormous chin. "Nope. Not feelin' it. Makes me sound kinda dopey."

A very slight smile formed at the corner of Ratchet's lips. "Oh, you have noooo idea."

Clank giggled at the inference.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded, and the computer spoke. "Proximity alert. Imperial vessel approaching. Proximity alert. Imperial vessel approaching."

Qwark immediately began working the controls of his transport, and both Ratchet and Clank noticed the lack of panic which would be so typical of their own Qwark. "Hang on, boys! We're going to need to lose him in the asteroid belt!"

As the transport lurched forward into maximum sub light speed, the space radio crackled to life, and a familiar voice was heard on it, with a familiar drawl. "This here's imperial patrol ship ZX-25. Now y'all are gonna have to shut down your engines and surrender, else I'm gonna have to do something a might unpleasant."

Qwark didn't respond, but turned the wheel of the transport hard over, and headed straight for a huge asteroid at the frontier of the field. Clank turned to Ratchet. "Is that...the smuggler?"

Qwark turned to Clank with a surprised look. "Smuggler? What, are you kidding? He's an imperial patrol officer! And we're in deep trouble!"

Ratchet was incredulous. "He's...a cop. Oookay. Well in our dimension he's a smuggler, and he does business with pirates."

"Huh. I like him already. Well, yours."

Blaster fire whizzed past the transport, striking and shattering smaller asteroids.

The voice came over the radio again. "Now son, ya done gone and upset the apple cart. If you don't stop right now, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to shoot you and your friends into a mess-o' space dust."

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