The End of Year Projects

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Hexley Hall.....

Mistterra had silver hair with blonde highlights and deep dark brown cedar flooded eyes. She wore a wrapped dress of pine green forests with a train, she held a scepter with a Silver Rose upon the head, and leans against its weight much like one leans upon a cane.

"Welcome to Hexley Hall, Pierco, this is one of the few sacred respectable places to learn and practice much magic, many of the greatest sorcerers and witches will teach your lessons here, but let's go to our Animal Emporium. Every student is required to have a pet, Cedric it is come to my attention you no longer have an animal partner. You're welcome to pick out a new one we've been training a lot of orphaned animals. One's bound to click."

"Can we please avoid ravens and rats they're creeping me out." said Pierco. "Since everyone knows what happened with Wormwood and Twitch."

"Understood completely, Pierco, my lad." stated Mistterra.

"Whatever happened to Wriggley the Weasel?" asks Cedric.

"She's here, we have been trying to retrain her to be less sneaky and good. We know it wasn't her fault and at least she wasn't doing it as frequently as the other two." states Mistterra. "I discovered Grimtrix had been mistreating her in order to get her to spy on others. She was quite thin when I was selected to be Headmistress here at Hexley Hall the other building caretakers on Building Watch Duties weren't feeding her they were terrified of her and she was covered in fleas as well."

"I'll take her than, Mistterra. After all every animal deserves a second chance at a happier life and if she's scaring the workers she's better off in a castle." said Cedric. "Has she had access to the Conjuring Room?"

"No, we have limited her chances to use that and the same goes for every animal we take for students to choose. Only 3 minutes are they allowed within the Conjuring Room to avoid magic mishaps especially when there aren't any people waiting supervising watching that room's magic. We had a number of people disappear in that room because of other people allowing the animals to play pranks on many students and teachers too, Cedric." Mistterra explains. "I knew Grimtrix was up to something, but because he had the weasel all signs were gone before you could argue about his misguvings and mistakes he made as the Headmaster. If I had figured out what was going on on Sorcerers' Day, he would have been kicked out sooner."

Just then Cedric barely answered with a "Yeah, maybe." as out of the library entrance doors who was with short golden red hair and in a blue uniform. He looked like Roland's brother, but he wasn't. He was Cedric's old teacher and he hadn't been in Hexley Hall for years.

"Ceedy!" He greeted.

"Professor Travillis, this is my son, Pierco." Cedric introduces his son. "He was my teacher here and now he'll be yours."

"I met your sister, Zoya, she's a true talent, he needs an animal don't he?" asked Travillis. Pierco remarks. "You look my Great King Roland the Second's big brother."

Travillis laughs out loud. "Oh, boy, I have gotten that comment a thousand times in the last century. "Look at you serving an entirely reformed Queen Amber, Cedric the Great and Sensational sorcerer. I am so proud of you. You listened and never gave up and you never forgot the Sorcerer's Secret either."m
"Sorcerer's Secret?" inquires Pierco.

"Explained in the Enchanted Painting Picture behind you on the wall Greylock the Grand was also a student along with your Father." Travillis spoke. "The two of them are the ones who ended up being a credit to your realms Greylock was one of Cedric's only other friends to turn from his old ways. Grimtrix was persuasive, me challenging his lacking decision and lack of respect and his class dignity is what caused him to fire me. So then I became an Ambassador to a number of Kingdoms. So many I lost count. Ex ludo!" He placed his wand against the picture frame the little kid figure of Cedric's began to move around.

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