On One Condition

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"Ooh, this is good," said Sadie.

"I know tell us more, Prince Hugo." said Sam as positively as possible.

"On One condition is that Sadie has to tell some of her story too especially how you've met Elsa. Hey isn't your Knight brother marrying the Princess Narcissa of Idris anyway,"

"He is, and the Royals took me in, raised me like a Princess, I told my lady that it would be awkward if my brother knew I had been living in the palace so she arranged for her Mother to make me become an undercover knight to be completely hidden in my brother's eyes he has no clue it is me. And please don't tell him, he'll think I am still stealing his thunder, but please continue Hugo."

So Hugo's Gardener cut off some Arnica Flowers for his bouquet.

"Um, Koma, do you know who is the best at brewing up in the Pepperup potion speedily? It's for my sister, Adelaide. She caught what I had.

"Ah, for that you would need to see the Magic Kropolv Potions Dr. Vedun." Koma said quietly as if not wanting any of the soldiers to hear it.

"The Znakhar?" gasped Hugo he knew his Russian words it meant magic healer who was a man.

"Shush, don't let the whole palace hear you say his name he lives far in the Snowy Moon Noon Mountain Forest way outside Kropolv's two neighboring cities, and he has many many enemies." Koma warns. "He stays far away from your palace for a reason."

"How do I get to his place?" questions Hugo. The gardener groans meet me tomorrow morning in the gazebo, Prince Hugo." said Koma. "Make sure to bring something your glass ware your sister uses in her tea with you. In the meantime I'd get that flower bouquet into a vase as soon as possible if you want it to stay fresh as possible, Princie." Hugo kept talking about the discussion with his Royal Gardener. He agreed to meet with the Gardener early the next morning for the location of the potions healer of Kropolv. He took the flowers he picked placed them in a vase and kept them in a cool room with minimal light throughout the day. He closed the door and went through to his suite. It was one of the many doors adjacent to his own as well containing a secret passage to his sister's room.

He sat at his desk, pulled out a pad of parchment. He picked up a turquoise lavender colored feathered quill and started answering all the thank you notes his parents insisted he wrote as well as a request.

The first thank you notes went to the people of the palace especially the Royally approved Doctor of Kropolv was considered the first to deserve a thank you note in Hugo's mind.

Dear Royal Doctor of Kropolv, Yevgen,

I, Prince Hugo second heir to the throne of Kropolv hereby thank you for your services and medicines to get me better, and help me confirm my sister's own illness. I will look after her knowing I can handle the disease more than the others. Please use the gift in this letter towards any charity your family deems worth of it.
I hope your family stays well, and that you will continue to heal many old and young who are ill.
Sincerely your loving friend,
-Prince Hugo.

He slipped the written thank you card note on to a square piece of an envelope paper. He made sure the paper for the envelope was cut a bit bigger than his card. The card was a parchment of 8" by 11" folded in half. The envelope paper was 12" by 12".
He folded each corner over the card starting with the shorter sides and ending with the longer sides scoring them with his fingernail so it would more easily. It barely bounced back when he let it go. He removed the card. He unfolded the envelope. With a pair of scissors safety scissors to be exact, he cut away the triangles where the fold lines crossed. He rounded the top corner via the pair of scissors which isn't always necessary actually. Then he folded the sides in and folded the bottom flap up over them. He cut off the point of at the bottom flap making use of the scissors again. Then using a glue-stick he used it to glue the edges of the bottom flap to the lower edges of the side flaps. He waited for the glue to dry. He rang the bell and asked a man servant to fetch a maid who usually attended to his sister.

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