Chapter 8: hanging by a thread

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December 22, 3:10 pm

"This is the right place?" Rhys asked, clutching the pistol grip under his jacket.

The park entrance was much more disturbing knowing what they were about to run into; three officers got off the car and stood in front of the gate: "We'll go in and take a look, you can wait for us here, Mr. Harvey-" "Don't even think about it, I'm coming with you" "Mr. Harvey, don't be stubborn, in these forests is hiding a criminal who - " " - who kidnapped one of my colleagues and will kill him if we don't hurry up! You know how stubborn I can be, so let's get moving!"

The three policemen could not help but accept, but not before making Rhys promise never to leave the escort.

Of course, they weren't alone: five other police cars were stationed a short distance from the park, and a helicopter was watching the neighborhood from above.

The cops decided to take out their guns even before they entered the entrance, to avoid being caught by surprise in a potential ambush.

They went on for what seemed like an eternity, keeping their guards as high as they could, until the walkie-talkie of one of the agents began to beep intermittently.

"What time is it?" he asked, before picking up the radio, but without lowering the pistol even an inch: "Half past three ..." Rhys replied, breathing deeply: "Answer it".

Pressing a button and bringing the device to mouth level, until the transceiver of one of the agents began to beep intermittently.

"What time is it?" he asked, before picking up the radio, but without lowering the pistol even an inch: "Half past three ..." Rhys replied, breathing deeply: "Answer".

Pressing a button and bringing the device to mouth level, the four listened in silence as what sounded like footsteps could be heard on the other side of the walkie-talkie: "Is someone there?" a voice asked.

"Who's talking?" the agent replied, holding the gun even tighter in his hand: "You finally arrived, even on time. I have to pay you my compliments!" 

I didn't think you were going to come, I expected a team-" " Keep your mouth shut Morrison, you're not in a position to joke! "Rhys exclaimed, ignoring the three agents who ordered him to be quiet:" Ah! The other detective is with you too! What a pleasure it is to meet you, Mr. Harvey; tell me, how is Allison? "Morrison replied from the other end of the radio, laughing:" I told you to keep your mouth shut, damn it! ".

A sudden sound behind them brought them to attention. The sound of the removal of a pistol safety.

Rhys held his breath as he felt something cold and hard being pressed against the back of his head.

"Why don't you keep your mouth shut. I don't want to get my clothes dirty again." Morrison hissed through clenched teeth, putting his finger on the trigger: "The safety has been removed, gentlemen, you all know what will happen if I lose my temper."

"Put the gun down, we don't have to-" the second agent tried to say, but Morrison grabbed the detective by the hair and wrapped his arm around his throat, pointing the gun to his temple: "Shut up! Shut up or I'll make his head explore!".

The three agents put down their weapons, but did not put them away, trying to appear as less threatening as possible to not endanger Rhys' life: "Listen to me, because I'm not going to explain it to you a second time: you will exit this park and you will tell the other agents to return to the station. DO NOT dare to come back until tomorrow morning! ".

Rhys tried to pull off the man's arm, in vain.

Eventually, an idea flashed through his mind.

Glancing at one of the cops and winking at him, Rhys nudged Morrison's stomach and shrugged him off.

He had to get away as fast as possible if he wanted to be able to find Luke. Assuming he was still alive.

Ignoring the image of his colleague's lifeless body, the Scotsman got to his feet and ran in the opposite direction to which they had come; in the distance he heard Morrison's curses as the three officers were on him.

Rhys ran for what seemed like an infinite amount of time, hiding behind bushes at intervals to make sure the criminal wasn't following him.

A sudden noise coming from one of the trunks of the trees made him jump: in an anxiety that he had never felt before, the detective took the gun from his pocket and pointed it at the trunk, ready to fire...

A black muzzle peeked out from behind the dark brown trunk, followed by a slightly doubtful meow.

A black cat came out of his hiding place, slowly licking its paw and watching the detective

Rhys stared at the cat with astonished gaze, staring into his eyes.

His green eyes, which strangely didn't look like a cat's. They looked eerily similar to a human's.

Slowly, Rhys reached his free hand towards the cat's head, which he let himself be strangely stroked by, purring.

"Sorry if I scared you, little fellow ... Are you lost?" the detective murmured, shaking his head: "Oh come on, what am I saying! Sorry little one, I can't stay here, a friend of mine needs me!".

Rising quickly, Rhys looked around, trying to find a clue, something Morrison left behind to find Luke.

He looked up at the sky, trying to locate the police helicopter that was supposed to be watching from above, but he found nothing.

Focusing again on his surroundings, Rhys noticed that the cat had moved away and was now staring at him from a mound beyond the path tourists usually walked to move around the park.

The detective and the animal stared at each other briefly, then the cat disappeared behind the trees, the sound of his footsteps on the dry leaves growing further and further away.

Rhys couldn't explain why, but something in his head was prompting him to follow the cat.

The two ran, entering an uncrowded part of the park, dodging tree branches and jumping bushes, until the Scotsman lost track of the cat.

Looking around, he saw a structure in the distance, a log cabin no bigger than one of those garden sheds  seen in movies.

Taking a deep breath, the Scotsman drew his pistol again and walked slowly towards the cabin. Pointing the gun at the door, he took the handle and turned it slowly.

In one motion, he opened the entrance to the cottage and took aim, waiting for Morrison's possible accomplice inside.

Instead he was wrong.

That was really a gardener's cabin, probably the one who had the job of taking care of the park.

In fact, in the structure were only tools: rakes, two watering cans, a pair of shears, three shovels, a strange figure sitting in a corner that gave off a rather disgusting smell ... A FIGURE ?! LUKE ?!

"Luke ?! Luke, it's Rhys! Is that you?" he whispered quickly, moving slowly into the cabin: "R-Rhys ... not ... here ... you ... out ..." Luke muttered weakly, looking up at his colleague. Rhys, you shouldn't be here, he's looking for you, get out of here! Was what the poor man was trying to say, but the time spent in that cabin had completely drained him.

"It's okay, the agents are on their way, we came to rescue you-" Rhys tried to say, but a hand grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back, pinning him to one of the nearby trees.

"I warned you, didn't I detective?"

Morrison took the man by the head and started banging him against the log.

"I told you not to move, didn't I?"

One slam. Two slams. Three slams.

"But you wanted to be a hero!" he said provocatively, pushing the detective towards the ground, leaving him almost stunned on the dry leaves.

"I should have done it a long time ago."

Morrison took the gun from his pocket and pointed it at the detective's head: "After all, I wouldn't mind getting blood on my clothes, especially of a dirty detective like you! "

Releasing the gun safety again, Morrison aimed the gun at Rhys's head.

"Farewell, detective!"

Three gunshots rang through the park.

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