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"I'm sorry, Taka-chan..I-it's not that I don't reciprocate your feelings or anything..!"

"It's fine Hakkai, I get it," The lilac haired forced a smile, fighting back heavy tears that threatened to spill out his glossy lavender eyes with each word he spoke, each breath he took, and god if he even dared to blink he'd start bawling right there. Hakkai apologizing profusely was not helping either. It just etched the fact that he may have just ruined his relationship with his closest friend deeper and deeper into his mind.

"It's just because..I'm just, shit how I put it..not good enough for you, y'know?" The blue headed boy mumbled as he looked at the boy in front of him with apologetic eyes. Mitsuya stared at the younger yet taller male in front of him in absolute disbelief, the tears welling up in his eyes found their way out which he quickly wiped away and grabbed the model's face to be at eye level with him, wet lavender irises staring into sympathetic indigo irises.

"Taka-chan..?" Hakkai softly spoke, though his calm demeanor switched to stunned almost immediately when the lilac haired wrapped his arms around his waist and brought him into a suffocating hug. The blue-haired didn't mind though because although he'd just rejected the male embracing him, he was absolutely head over heels for him. Slowly and slightly hesitantly, the younger reciprocated the hug, gripping onto the fabric of the fashion designer's shirt. Mitsuya smiled to himself, wanting to stay like this forever. Wanting to be able to embrace Hakkai like this forever, but not as merely his friend. No. He strongly wished for something more, but the model wasn't ready yet and he found it in himself—very deep inside his heart—to respect his decision and support him. The two just stood there, silently hugging one another in the cool, refreshing breeze that tore through the incoming summer heat of May. "Hey, Hakkai?" The older yet shorter of the two whispered, not letting the silence settle around them any longer.

"Yes, Taka-chan?" Indigo eyes fluttered open to look at the lilac-haired and he would have fainted then and there from how amazing his blue haired friend looked. He was so beautiful, his droopy indigo eyes complimented his tan skin amazingly and the scar that ran down both his lips; Mitsuya had to fight the urge to just simply lean in and kiss those scarred lips. "I'll help you..with you realizing how incredible you are!" The older male grinned proudly at his friend he was embracing and moved a lock of hair out of his face. Hakkai chuckled and his gaze softened even more, looking at Mitsuya with the sweetest smile on his features and said, "Thank you Taka-chan! I'll be counting on you!"


"Hakkai you've gotta wake up! Mitsuya-kun doesn't have all day y'know!" Yuzuha nagged as she shook her younger brother awake. The blue-haired mumbled something unintelligible and turned the other way, pulling the duvet over his head which only irked his older sister. "Hakkai!! Fine, I'll just tell Mitsuya-kun that you don't want to see him." The older Shiba declared and the younger heard her footsteps receding as he shot up after processing her words.

"Yuzuha! Don't do that, Taka-chan's already upset because of me!" He whined as he scrambled out of bed and rushed around the apartment to find his sister who was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.

"Oh yeah, you're seriously such an idiot Hakkai." The light-brown haired woman half-heartedly insulted and Hakkai rolled his eyes. "Well I don't presume you'd want to accept someone's love confession when you're a walking trainwreck," He quipped as he walked into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. "It's Mitsuya, Hakkai! He'd literally not care and help you along the way!" Yuzuha yelled in response so her younger brother could hear what she was saying.

'That's the point. I don't want Taka-chan to have to worry about me on top of work, his younger sisters, and anything else he's stressing about.' The blue-haired had spaced out and mistook his razor for his toothbrush. Thank god he noticed this before he put it in his mouth or he certainly wouldn't be seeing Mitsuya anytime soon. Or maybe the lilac-haired man would rush over to offer first aid and keep the young Shiba calm and collected while his mouth poured red, irony liquid from every nook and cranny.

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