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A/N: thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy ! school is starting in 3 days so updates will be slow..er! lol sorry !

It's been another series of days since Mitsuya has seen Hakkai. But it was inevitable since the both of them were swamped with work; Hakkai had modeling gigs left and right and Mitsuya had shut himself in his studio to work on his new fall clothing collection. It'd be a miracle if they saw each other again before a month passed. Or three. It was a very bad habit of Mitsuya's to disappear from the public eye for several months at a time and suddenly return to reveal an extravagant collection, attend a few events, host a couple of fashion shows, and disappear once again. His fans were used to it, his friends as well. It was just how Mitsuya functioned.

However, his process was disrupted by a sudden pop-in from a certain someone. No, not Hakkai. Draken, with Mikey and Emma in tow.

"Mikey, what'd you do?" Mitsuya sighed as soon as he opened the door and saw the short man eating taiyaki angrily with a frown on his face and his brows furrowed. Emma had her arms crossed over her chest and was glaring at her brother with a scowl on her face.

"I cannot have these two in a room together, they're like overgrown children, well not so much for Mikey, but I feel like a damn babysitter!" Draken explained and Mitsuya wrinkled his nose. "Mikey, what'd you do?" He repeated and the short blond scoffed. "Me? As if! Emma started it!" "Tuh! I'm mature enough to not start arguments about who my husband likes more!"

"You're kiddin' me." Mitsuya looked at Draken in disbelief to which the taller shrugged with a confused look on his face. "Okay, me personally, I think that Draken likes me more. But that's just me personally." Mitsuya stated and the Sano siblings slowly turned their heads to stare at him in absolute bafflement.

"Aw hell no!" "Absolutely not, I'm clearly his favorite!" "I'm literally his wife!" "Nobody cares that you two are married Emma! You never woulda met if it wasn't for me!" "Shut your shitty mouth!"

Mitsuya just stood there laughing as he watched the mess he created. Draken was bound to keel over and die from stress any moment now so he decided to actually handle the situation appropriately.

"Sorry you two, just jokes. Anyway, you're arguing over something super trivial. Draken loves you two and thats what matters, right Draken?" "Yup, and you two know that already." Draken ruffled the siblings' hair as he spoke. "I think that I want boba, let's go to the shop." Mikey said and he and his sister went to the car. "Thanks Mitsuya, sorry to trouble you. I should go before they find something else to argue about." "Anytime, just not too often. Please prevent them from ripping each other's hair out. See ya soon," Mitsuya laughed and dapped Draken up and watched as he drove off.

"Poor thing, I think his hair actually is greying."


"Taka-chan~! It's been ages since I've seen you!" Hakkai said with delight as he walked into his best friends' house. "As if, it was only like a month or two." The older stretched an arm over his head. He'd just finished getting his first few designs approved and they were to be modified and reserved for the collection's release. "That's two months too long, what've you been doing? Don't tell me you locked yourself in your studio again." Hakkai looked at Mitsuya with a knowing look and the lilac-haired coughed in response.

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