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‼TW‼️: This chapter contains descriptions of Sexual Assault that may make some readers uncomfortable ! Please read at your own discretion !

I do not condone these actions in any way, shape, or form ! If you are a silenced victim, please seek help .

Hakkai awoke to Mitsuya's face pressed against his bare stubbly chest and his arms wrapped around his waist. "Cute.." He chuckled to himself and cleared his throat when he realized what he said. Then it hit him; he had slept commando that night and Hakkai Jr. was feeling very energetic that morning. For no given reason. How inconvenient. It didn't help that Mitsuya wouldn't stop moving until he was comfortable. Hakkai wanted to die right there on the spot. Curse Hakkai Jr. and his unprompted appearances.

"Mornin' Hakkai," Mitsuya suddenly said in his husky morning voice that Hakkai always found extremely attractive and only made this entire situation worse. "Good morning, Taka-chan. Did you sleep well?" Hakkai asked and tried his best to play it cool. Though he knew in the back of his mind that Mitsuya totally noticed. Which he did, but he didn't say anything about it. Or at least tried not too. "I slept well, what about you? I didn't know you sleep commando- shit." The older immediately facepalmed and Hakkai could've sworn he died for a moment there. "I couldn't find a pair of my underwear."

"Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me? I have a basket half full of your underwear in the closet." Mitsuya laughed at Hakkai's reaction and pat his chest reassuringly. "Well that's nice to know for next time. I gotta call nee-san, see when she's coming to pick me up." Hakkai sighed and the older nodded before standing up and stretching. He looked over at Hakkai who had the blanket they covered up with draped over his shoulder and was sitting on the couch looking for his sister's contact so he could call her. His eyes drifted down to Hakkai Jr. and he almost slapped himself to tear his eyes away from it.

'There is absolutely no way someone's dick is that damn big. It's not possible. I mean, how many inches even is that?'

Hakkai raised an eyebrow at Mitsuya when he noticed he was staring at him and mumbling to himself. At first he didn't think anything of it and continued to try and call his sister but then Mitsuya began to pace back and forth across the room and he began to grow concerned. "Hey, Earth to Taka-chan. What's wrong, why're you pacing?" Hakkai questioned as he watched the older freeze in his tracks. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong. I'm perfectly alright, nothing big, I mean bad? Definitely not thinking about anything cocky. I MEANT CRAZY. Uhh, I'm gonna go shower." Mitsuya stammered and sped out of the living room. "Big...cocky? Aw shit." Hakkai realized the issue almost immediately and facepalmed. "Dammit, where's nee-san when ya need her?"



"Taka-chan! I'm heading out now, thanks for letting me stay over!" Hakkai called out to his friend who had actually just got out of the shower and was only clad in a pair of shorts and slippers. "Wait a damn minute, you can't leave until I get a hug! Who knows when we'll see each other again!" Mitsuya shouted as he sprinted down the hallway and practically threw himself at the taller man. "Woah! I'll miss you too but you know I'll FaceTime you whenever I get a chance." "Are you going out the country again?"

"It's only for a few days, I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone!" "I'm literally gonna start missing you the second you step out the door." The older exaggerated and Hakkai chuckled. "C'mon lovebirds, I enjoy watching your public displays of affection but we're on a very tight schedule." Yuzuha said from the door. "I'm coming nee-san! I'll call you when we land?" Hakkai smiled at Mitsuya who nodded in response and said, "Safe travels!" as the two left his house.

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