chapter ten

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Tomorrow is the battle with the new born army. Tonight we are having a bonfire as a family to ease some of the tensions. I am sat with uncle Billy and jenson lahote talking.
(Bi)" I always remember you singing around the house and playing the guitar"
(A)" everything seemed so normal back then"
(J)" well princess once this battle is out of the way you can have some normality. "
I smile and nod. Jacob walks over with his acoustic guitar and grins.
(Jak)" play us a song please Amara. All the grown ups say about you singing""
I take the guitar and everyone sits around.
(P)" play that song of taes. It's so beautiful"
I start to play the first chords of Christmas tree.
(A)" in this moment I see you. It always comes around as I believed. When the rain stops you shine on me your light is the only thing that keeps the cold out. "
Paul gets his phone out and videos her. He sends a message to tae.

(Video of amara)
Getting ready for battle tomorrow. She will be save I promise you.

Thank you paul. Good luck to all of you for tomorrow. Never realised how scary this place can be.

Hey good luck to you all for tomorrow. I hope you all come home unharmed.

Paul can't help but smile. He had shared with the boys about what he was. They took it surprisingly well and they said that when they get to Korea they want to see his wolf. When amara finishes singing Billy asks her to play the Spanish lullaby her mom and Sarah used to sing to the kids.

Jacob smiles sadly remembering his mom always singing it to him. Billy looks at Amara and can feel his heart swell. She truly is an amazing person. Jake is next to play the guitar and Paul pulls amara to him. Sam is cuddled up to Emily and Kim with Jared. Tonight seems like the right night to spend as a family. All they all hope is that tomorrow they are it home okay.

The following day we are on our way to the field. Carlisle and the cullens smile when I walk out of the clearing towards them.
(C)" you ready?"
(A)" I am"
I sit down on the grass and cross my legs. As soon as Alice says now I hold my hands out and start to sing. I see the first lot of newborns rush to me. My mist covering them. It subdued them enough for the cullens and wolves to get through half of them before they know what's going on. I stand and conjur my orbs and throw them at newborns trying to take out as many as I can. It seems to be over before it began, I don't know if it is the adrenaline or the fact that time seems to go by faster. Emmette has piled the vampires they have killed in a pile.
(E)" amara can you "
He wiggles his fingers and I chuckle. I conjur my fireballs and throw them at the pile. Bella and Edward have joined them and Edward is talking when I hear a howl I turn to my left and see a newborn crushing jake. I conjur a vampire ball and through it at him. He let's Jacob go and walks towards me. His skin flushes like a human and he looks down in disbelief. They all watch as his skin slips from his body, then his muscles and arteries. Watching it is quite gruesome. The young news vampire that the cullens offered a home to push Amara back and she hits her head against the rock. Paul growls and goes to attack but Emmette has pulled the girl out of the way.
Paul go to amara

Paul goes and phases and goes to amara.
(P)" baby can you hear me?"
(C)" take her back to la push I will see to her when I go and see to Jacob."
Paul nods and picks her up. As he carries her to La Push he feels tears sting his eyes. She has to be okay. He can't bare the thought of her being anything but okay. She was saving Jacob and put her own life at risk. The Cullen's better kill that blood sucker or he will track her down and kill her himself. When he gets to Billy's the pack are walking out to meet him and Amara. Billy tells him to take her to Rachel and Rebecca's old room. He does and places her down on the bed. He smooths her fore head and Sam walks in.

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