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Oh my dark lord. It’s the first day back to Hogwarts and where do I find myself? In detention that’s where. Not only that but I just had a huge shock that was shamefully also a slight turn on. As if my previous attraction to the older man wasn’t enough, ‘Remus’ it turns out is ‘Professor’ Remus Lupin. My new DADA professor. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet, firstly there goes my chances at anything with the man, but secondly it increased my urges to pursue him even more. Must be something about wanting what you can’t have.

Either way as if that wasn’t enough action itself for the first day, I also landed myself locked up in Professor Snape’s office while everyone else is enjoying the rest of the feast. I was permitted to stay for the announcements, i.e which is when I found out about Professor Lupin- but then I was escorted right down here to serve my undeserved punishment and it’s all Michael’s fault.

See when Remus had walked away I was left there dumbstruck for quiet a few moments- he had been so close to me and the scent of chocolate had lingered not making it any easier for me to catch my breath. That is until Lilian came blabbering about how I needed to get changed and if I was okay. That snapped me back into reality and I ignored her scrutinizing stare. I changed as fast as I could because I wanted to see if I could catch a glimpse of where Remus was headed. Therefore as soon as my robes were on I scampered through the crowed of students disembarking the train and at long last I spotted his tall figure.

He was stepping out onto the platform and I was almost to him when someone caught my arm brining me to a halt. I turned in annoyance and much to my disdain I came face to face with Michael. Out of all the freaking times he chose then!

“What do want? Take your vile hand off me.” I told him and struggled out of his grip.

“Oh don’t be that way, Roxanna. Come here I think we need to talk.” he replied so casually it made my blood boil.

“I don’t know what delusion your living in but I don’t take orders from the likes of you!” I replied and quickly turned to try and see if I still had an eye on Remus.

“Who are you looking for?” he questioned.

“None of your business.” I replied looking him dead in the eye, “Now let go.” I said with finality and managed to pull myself out of his grip.

The train was practically empty by now leaving only us behind. I could tell he was mad, he had this certain look that said he would kill in an instant. But anyone who knew him would know it was just a facade, truth is he’s a scared little momma’s boy who doesn’t know the meaning of bravery. However some part of his inadequate mind believes that he could instill fear in me.

I turn to make my leave already angry and annoyed that he caused me to lose sight on Remus, when he cast a spell sealing my exit. I stopped in my tracks not expecting his actions but still not fearing him in any way.

“Open the door Michael!” I demanded.

“Listen Roxanna whether you like it or not your marring me this summer and I better not catch you missing around with any other guy this year.” he told me bluntly.

“Is that so?” I replied as calmly as I could turning quickly as I drew my wand.

“Damn right. Do I make myself clear?” he had the audacity to say.

Without thinking much as to what I was doing I pointed my wand at his chest and performed the very curse I had previously performed on the gift he gave me. He withered in pain and shouted like a child (of the female gender, I might add) and I stopped as I realized what I had done.

Needless to say his shouts alerted attention, not that it shouldn’t have- whoever heard his pleas probably assumed that they were coming to the aid of a helpless little girl. But it would just be Michael they find. However the train doors flew open and in flew, of all people, Professor Snape. He saw Michael on the flow and me with my wand drawn that he didn’t even pause to interrogate. Michael was his favorite student so I knew what he was going to say before he even said it.

“Detention Miss. Blake.” he said stiffly.

I narrowed my eyes at the man, his long black robes billowing around him. I was very tempted to step on it to cause him to trip as he escorted us to the castle, but thought better on it. I was in enough trouble. It was the first day for crying out loud, this will not due for my teaching ambitions. After he escorted us in we took our seats at Slytherin table I quickly made my way to sit by Lilian who was looking from me to Snape to Michael with confusion. I had already been giving orders to sit through the important announcements then to head straight to his office.

“I’ll explain later.” I whispered to Lilian as I took my seat.

Dumbledore’s voice called for attention and begrudgingly I turned my gaze toward the front. My breath hitched in my throat and anything the headmaster was saying drowned out as I saw sitting right up there in the teachers table- Remus.

My eye’s widened and I quickly turned my head away to face the empty goblet at my table. Discreetly I turned to get a peek back to make sure he was in fact there. He was.

“Lilian who’s that?” I asked my friend who seemed to be engrossed in the headmaster’s speech.

“What?” she asked distractedly.

“That man Lilian. That man sitting in Lockheart’s former seat!” I whispered urgently.

She glanced, “I’m not sure. Why?” she asked.

“Because..” I began but all to soon Dumbledore said something that now caught my attention.

He introduced the new defense against the dark arts professor. Professor Remus Lupin. I saw as he stood to be acknowledged. His kind smile, his shabby robes, his tired appearance but overall his attractiveness, stood before my vision introducing himself to my craving. It was clear he had not noticed me and I was relieved. How will he see me now? Now that he’s my professor.

Wanting two different things at one time is a very strange feeling. When the start of term speech was over I wanted to stay right where I was and dwell in the fact that Remus was only a few yards at the most away. But at the same time I was relieved that I had to leave, now feeling insecure to be in my school robes- feeling childish. I didn’t quiet want him to see me.

So that leaves me here where I am now. In Snape’s forsaken office, starving while he’s feasting no doubt. But I’m getting over it, now that I think more on things- this year should be interesting.























A Professor's Secret (Professor Lupin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now