♡ 1 | He's unreachable

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You stare at the envelope that you're clutching to dear life. A single name written on the front belonging to 'Yuta'. You feel your heart clenching at the sheer thought of handing this to him today. You've thought this over plenty of times and you're committed to going through with your plan. The plan to hand over your confession letter with the cookies you've made the night before for Valentine's Day. 

Closing your eyes you inhale deeply. "Alright, let's go." You whisper to yourself. Fluttering your eyes open, you rush downstairs to grab your schoolbag and shoes. The house is completely silent as your parents are already out early in the morning to go to their respective jobs. You're mindful to lock the front door before heading off to school. 

The warm sunrays kisses your supple skin the moment you step out. You freeze up as you lock the front door when someone familiar calls out your name. "Y/N." The voice is soft as the person walks up to you. You scramble to hide the letter and bag of cookies into your school bag. 

Turning around you notice the owner of the voice. There stands a disheveled black hair and dark blue eyed boy. That boy being Yuta Okkotsu. Your childhood friend of 10 years the moment the two of you turned 6. You manage to tell him good morning but stop short when you notice the bags under his eyes are more prominent than usual. 

Okkotsu must've noticed your staring when he casts his eyes to the side. "Toge and I were up late playing video games." Okkotsu murmurs under his breath. His eyes slowly draws back to you. You watch his hand outstretch towards you which causes you to freeze up. Okkotsu adjusts the ribbon around your shirt collar that seems to be longer on one end. 

"Were you in a rush this morning?" Okkotsu whispers. You're unable to form an answer as you feel your heart beat loudly against your ear drums. Don't treat me so kindly. His eyes return to yours before he lets out a sigh. "Let's not idle any longer before we're late." 

"Yeah." Is all you can fathom to say while you watch Okkotsu walk ahead first. You keep up with his pace to avoid any suspicions on why you're on high alert. Neither of you converse and that's the norm. The two of you have been such close friends that a silent conversation is enough. 

But at times you wished he would attempt a conversation. Or if you had the courage to say something. However, when you do find that surge of confidence, it quickly dissipates. "Yuta!!" A cheerful voice rings out. One that belongs to a small fragile frame, long black hair that reached her shoulders, and soft brown eyed girl. Rika Orimoto.

She laces her arms around Okkotsu comfortably with a sweet smile. Your eyes quickly look away as you feel your heart clench in pain. "Happy Valentines Day Yuta!" Orimoto beams. She reaches into her schoolbag to present a gift bag. "I made these chocolates myself. I hope they taste just as sweet as our love for each other." 

Okkotsu chuckles under his breath, pink tinging his cheeks. He happily takes the bag from Orimoto's hands. "Even if they're bitter, I'd love it." Okkotsu smiles as he strokes Orimoto's hair. She smiles brightly from his gentle action. You'd think the two are in a puppy love phase but the two have been dating for five years. 

You and Okkotsu met Orimoto at the age of 11. Since the encounter, the two have been inseparable. You're unsure when their love began for one another but it only stabs at your own feelings even more. You recall the cookies and love letter in your schoolbag. The feeling of foolishness eats at you. 

There wouldn't be a chance for your feelings to meet Okkotsu's heart. It's shameful of you to think confessing to someone who's already in a relationship would work. You were too swept up on the fantasy of 'what if's. The two begin to walk ahead as you quietly trail behind them. Your hands clench tightly to your school bag as you stare at the two. 

Why do you continue to cling onto these feelings for Okkotsu? It's obvious how deep in love Okkotsu and Orimoto are. You've seen them happy, sad, and angry at one another. But nothing can get in their way. These thoughts only make you more depressed. 

You feel your heart ache as your thoughts eat at you. The tears are sure to well up and fall from your eyes if you keep this up. "Y/N. Hey. Are you even listening?" Okkotsu's voice is faint but you hear him loud and clear when he stops you from bumping into him. His firm hand on your shoulder grabs ahold of your attention. 

Orimoto wears a worried expression, her brows knitting together. "Is everything okay Y/N? We've been trying to get your attention for a minute now." She peers at your face and you worry she'll see past your emotions. You step back in attempts to get away from her to only bump into someone's chest.

A hand gently rests on the palm of your back as they steady you upright. You quickly turn around to apologize until your words grow silent halfway. A hand waves at you as the boy lowers his collar to smile at you. You know those peculiar markings on the cheeks anywhere. Toge Inumaki. "Kelp." The boy lowly mutters.

You muster to form a smile towards Inumaki. "Good morning to you too Toge." Okkotsu and Orimoto also say their good mornings to the platinum blonde haired boy. You sigh in relief when the attention is away from you. Now with the four of you together, you safely make it to school without further questioning. 

Upon entering the school and heading to homeroom, you quickly seat yourself at your desk. You don't have enough strength to witness all the couples around you exchanging gifts before the bell rings. You decide to take a moment to calm your mind by preparing yourself to take notes for the school day. In a hurry to distract your mind, the cookies and letter you crammed into your schoolbag falls out. You panic as you reach over to pick the items up. 

But within your view, a hand extends to grab the items for you. Your eyes dart up to see who the person is as your heart races in frantic. Thankfully it's Inumaki who's helping you. His eyes quickly look over at the name that's written on the letter. Seeing him read it, you're quick to snatch it away from him. 

There's a look of sadness in his eyes when he looks over to you. His shoulders slump when he takes a seat next to you. You feel the pity in his eyes as you shove the letter back into your schoolbag. "Don't look at me like that Toge." Your voice comes out as a shaky whisper. 

Inumaki's fully aware of your emotions towards Okkotsu the day he found you in tears under the slide at the playground five years ago. You had witnessed Orimoto's confession to Okkotsu at the playground where the four of you were to meet up at. A sheet of paper is slid on your desk by Inumaki with his handwriting. 'You still haven't given up?'. You look over to Inumaki who's staring at you in silence. Silence is your response to which Inumaki sighs to. 

He extends the cookies back to you but you shake your head in response. You gently push the cookies back towards Inumaki. "Take it. It would've gone into the trash." The heart shaped cookies were all broken from your hurry this morning. It seems like the world was mocking you from the start this morning anyway. 

"Oh? What's this? Y/N are you exchanging a Valentines gift to Toge?" Orimoto hums happily as her and Okkotsu arrive in the classroom. "So that's why you were in a daze this morning!" Her giggles pierces your chest as you feel nothing but misunderstanding. 

Okkotsu looks at you with gentle eyes and a tiny smile. "Why'd you keep this secret from me Y/N? I could've been your wingman." No. He's wrong. Okkotsu's completely wrong. You fumble to think of what to say as your mind goes into a whirlwind. 

"Bonito flakes." Inumaki speaks up. He scribbles something on a fresh sheet of paper. 'She made them so I wouldn't feel lonely on this holiday. Y/N's a caring friend.' You exhale in relief when Inumaki saves you from misunderstanding. Orimoto frowns slightly when she reads Inumaki's note. 

Okkotsu looks indifferent to the news. He only chuckles in response. You perk up when you hear his joyful laughter in front of you. "Ah, that makes more sense. I can't imagine Y/N liking you Toge." Inumaki looks insulted as his brows knit together. He angrily scribbles more words onto the paper but you pay them no mind. 

Your eyes lower to the letter in your schoolbag. The one you like is someone who's unreachable. When will you learn to move on? How do you even move on? Your eyes rise up when you hear Okkotsu chuckle. The expression he makes only makes your heart react in response. This foolish heart of yours will bring nothing but sadness if you keep this up.

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now