♡ 6 | Smoke and mirrors

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"So, how was your first day? Noticed anything?" Kamo did not even enter the teacher's office completely before he's peppered away with questions. The boy stares at a silver haired man with a blindfold that covers his eyes. Besides the blind-folded man stands another man with blonde locks and a peculiar pair of sunglasses on his nose bridge. Satoru Gojo and Kento Nanami.

Kamo sighs before sitting down in one of the chairs in front of the two men who sit across from him. A coffee table separates the three. "Three of them seem like normal high school students." Kamo begins to give the two adults information of what he's observed today. Nanami raises an eyebrow, his crossed arms unfolding.

"Three? What did you sense from one of them?" Kamo is pierced by the Nanami's brown eyes. He wears a stiff expression and Kamo eases his nerves with a response. "The girl. Rika Orimoto. Something's off about her. There's an intense darkness that's growing within that fragile body of hers."

Gojo nods, his lips forming a thin line as he crosses one leg over top the other. There's a dreadful silence before someone interrupts it. Gojo stretches his arms across the sofa backrest and tilts his head up. "We have to act accordingly. There may be a chance she'll turn into a powerful cursed spirit." 

Kamo raises a brow, eyeing Gojo with a remark. "Powerful? With that frail body of hers?" Gojo sits up straight, his hands clasping together. Despite wearing a blindfold, Kamo can easily feel Gojo's eyes drilling right through him. Kamo swallows the saliva that builds in his mouth. 

"Don't underestimate her Noritoshi. We've been keeping a close eye on these four since the birth of Toge Inumaki. Those four believe Inumaki is the only one with "strange powers". But if my gut is right, I believe these four didn't become friends just by coincidence. A storm is brewing." Gojo eerily wears a smirk as he finishes off his thoughts. 

"Just find a way to befriend them. Those three may need your protection Noritoshi." Nanami speaks up. Kamo turns his attention over to Nanami with a serious gaze. Befriend them? The only way Kamo can step into their group is if Y/L/N takes the bait in seeking him out for help. There's a slight pull of guilt within his chest on how he's plotting this out but he rids of it with a nod to Nanami's words.

He bows to the two before standing up. "I'll return with further information if anything changes." Gojo seems pleased with Kamo's words. He waves the boy off as Kamo turns his back against the two. The word powerful swirl in Kamo's mind. He ponders on several reasons why Gojo's stated that Orimoto may be more than what she appears. 


The final bell rings for the day and students begin to grab their belongings to head home. You sneak a few glances over to Okkotsu who's behaving like normal. Something about his lost eyes during lunch bothered you. He played along with your excuse to the natto soda as well. Orimoto seemed unaware that Okkotsu had purchased you the drink. 

"We'll see you two tomorrow! Yuta and I will be going first. My parents invited him over for dinner." Orimoto hums out cheerfully with her usual bright smile. You can only nod and wave goodbye to the two as Orimoto practically pulls Okkotsu out of the classroom with her. Okkotsu looks apologetic when he looks back at you and Inumaki. 

Inumaki and you look at one another the moment the two are gone in silence. You only shrug and Inumaki mimics your actions. "Looks like I'll walk you home Toge." You giggle under your breath as he playfully rolls his eyes. The two of you grab your belongings and step out of the classroom together. 


The walk to Orimoto's house is long and dreadful. Okkotsu wasn't informed about spending time with Orimoto after school. Not that he minded but he's not well in his headspace right now to deal with whatever she planned to throw at him. Orimoto unlocks her front door before stepping aside to let Okkotsu in first. Something feels off when he notices the lack of a car outside her driveway. 

The moment he steps inside the empty house is when he grows nervous. Orimoto silently closes the door behind the two. The sound of the door locking behind Okkotsu sends his nerves into a panic. What will she do today? Throw things at him? Verbally damage his ego? 

Okkotsu's unable to read Orimoto's expression with her hair hiding the side of her face. She lowers her schoolbag down and removes her shoes at the foyer. Okkotsu refrains from removing his shoes. His eyes intently stare at Orimoto's back.

The fragile looking girl is balling her hands into tight fists. Her attention remains forward and Okkotsu's unsure what to expect. There's definitely anger looming over Orimoto. "Why'd you lie this afternoon Yuta? I know you ran off to see Y/N during lunch. Or at least you attempted since she came back with a soda you didn't buy for her."

Okkotsu's breath is caught in his throat when in a split of a second Orimoto's slammed her palms against the door. He's trapped in between them. Her eyes are rooted to their feet. Not being able to see her expression drives Okkotsu into panic. His heart is restless and so is his mind.

"Rika." Okkotsu tries to find his voice but he's unsure how to respond to her. Whatever he plans to say will be ignored. Okkotsu winces when Orimoto slams her hands against the door again. She groans under her breath. 

"Am I not the only girl you want to be around Yuta? Have you forgotten our commitment to one another when you accepted my love confession five years ago?" Orimoto's voice slowly rises. She finally looks up at Okkotsu and her glare sends a chill down his spine. Her once beautiful shining eyes are dark and hollow. 

Okkotsu sees his fearful reflection in her eyes. He shouldn't look like this towards his so called "love of his life". The commitment that Orimoto speaks of is their vow to marry one another when they get older. At the time Okkotsu was all for it. His love for her was overflowing. But now...that commitment seems to be loose words from an eleven year old. 

Does it even make sense to vow your eternity to someone at the age of eleven? Okkotsu thought so before but now-- no. "ANSWER ME YUTA!" Orimoto screams out. Okkotsu clenches his teeth, sadness reflecting in his own eyes when he stares at Orimoto. This is not the girl he fell in love with. 

But if he were to talk back, he feared the consequences. Okkotsu trembles when he reaches one hand up to cup Orimoto's cheek. The action seems to calm her slightly when he notices a softness to her stiff face. Slowly Okkotsu strokes her face with his thumb. "O-Of course I remember Rika."

Okkotsu purses his lips, an exhale escaping them. He pulls Orimoto's face close to his chest. Softly he presses kisses to the side of her head, whispering. "I'm sorry for lying to you." Orimoto drops her hands from the door. She begins to calm down as she wraps her arms around Okkotsu's waist. Okkotsu mentally tells himself to not tremble from her touch. 

The two stay in this position for a minute or two before Orimoto pulls her face away from Okkotsu's chest. Her eyes look up at him and Okkotsu forces himself to look at her. He's unable to rid of the image of her haunting expression earlier. "If you're sorry, cut ties with her. Okay? You don't want to see me upset like earlier, right?" 

Manipulation. Time and time again, Okkotsu is giving into her manipulation. What does he do in this situation? He feels absolutely powerless and vulnerable. Okkotsu can only stare at Orimoto's eyes. The silence is beginning  to make her impatient when he feels her fingernails dig into his skin. Okkotsu simply nods in silence which pulls a smile onto Orimoto's face.

She happily squeals in Okkotsu's chest as she nuzzles her head against him. Something that day died inside of Okkotsu's soul.

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now