Chapter 5

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Ellie Pov

After the whole conversation with my grandfather and the two eldest Pevensies I went to bed. Once I got in bed I immediately went to sleep. Almost right after I went to sleep I see the scene of the bombing that occurred.

It was a nice night. There was a reflection in my room caused by the moon. It was beautiful. I went to bed, but something didn't feel right. I got up to get a drink from the kitchen. That's when I heard it. The sound of planes, and something dropping. It was a few seconds of that. Then it hit the house causing it to explode. I was knocked unconscious. I don't know how long I was out. When I woke up there was people there. One woman was asking me questions while checking on me. "Mom." I mumbled. "Where's my mom?" I asked the woman. She had a sympathetic look on her face. At that moment I knew she was gone. I started crying.

The scene stopped. I woke up sweating. I sat up and looked around the room. I got up to walk to my bathroom. I splashed water in my face. I couldn't get it out of my head.

The next thing I knew I started to hyperventilate. I looked in the mirror. My face was getting red. I tried to calm my breathing.

After what felt like forever, I finally got my breathing even again. It was still shaky, but I was better. I drank some water and went to bed.

In the morning I read a couple chapters of Pride and Prejudice trying to get the thought out of my head.

Then I noticed it was sunny outside and decided to go for a horse back ride to attempt to clear my head. I got changed into some riding pants and boots. I headed down to the stables when Mrs. Macready walked up to me.

"Your going riding I presume."

"Yes, I should be out for a while. Once I get back I will get my chores done."

"Very well. Have fun."

With that I went out and got Spartan's saddle, saddle pad, and bridle. Once I got to his stall I tacked him up, put on my helmet and got on him.

We went to the path that we have been going on for some time now. I talked to Spartan about my mom and how I've missed her. I talked about Peter and his siblings. About everything that has happened to me since the last time I talked to him.

Then we got to the little pond. Spartan was happy because she loves water. Then it started raining. It was inconvenient because all I had was a long sleeve shirt. I got soaked and it was freezing but I stayed out here for hours.

It was getting late by the time we were done. We started heading back to the house. By the time we past the tree line it was about night time. It was still raining so I put Spartan back in the stable, and walked inside. Right when I stepped inside Mrs Macready came up to me.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"Riding." I replied simply.

"You should have been back here hours ago. Do you realize how worried everybody has been?" She then stopped once she saw the look on my face.

She pulled me into a hug, which was very very rare for her. She rubbed my back. I felt more tears pooling u in my eyes. I tried not to cry again, but my sobs filled the room.

I heard footsteps coming down from a hall. It was the Pevensies. Mecready new I didn't like to be around people whenever I was crying so she let go.

"Go take a warm bath. We don't want you to get sick." She said.

I looked at her then at the siblings that looked like they didn't know what do to. I went to my room and ran a warm bath. I spent at least an hour in there. But when I got out I went straight to bed. Mrs Mecready came and checked on me once.

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So this is part of Ellie's point of view. It is only split up because it is so long.

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