Chapter 12

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Ellie Pov

Edmund was in the tent for about an hour. When he was changed and well rested we sat down for lunch.

Everyone was at the table except Peter. Peter was leaning up against a rock. He was thinking about something. Edmund must not have been fed much because he was scarfing down toast.

"Narnia isn't going to run out of toast Ed." Lucy laughed. That made everyone laugh.

"I'm sure they will pack some up for the journey back." Peter said.

"We're going home?" I asked him.

"You guys are." Peter said while getting up and coming over to sit with us.

"But they all five of us." Lucy said.

"It's to dangerous. Lucy, you almost drowned. Edmund was almost killed." Peter said.

"Which is why we need to stay." Edmund said. "I've seen what the white witch can do, and I've helped her do it."

"I guess that's it." Susan said while getting up. She grabbed her bow and quiver.

"Where are you going." Peter asked.

"To get in some practice. Ellie you coming?"

I got up grabbed my bow and quiver, and walked with Susan and Lucy to the targets.

Susan stood at one of the target and I stood at the one beside her. Susan was shooting missing the target. I knocked an arrow in my bow. I drawled it back to aim. Once I was sure I had aimed right at the middle of the target I let the arrow go. It hit right in the middle. I did it again but this the second arrow split the first right in half. I looked shocked.

"How do you do that? That was amazing." Susan asked amazed.

"I don't know. I just relaxed." I told her.

Susan drawled her arrow back and I noticed she was tense. I went to help her. I lifted her elbowed a little higher.

"Relax your shoulders." I said.

She did as I said to the best of her ability but she was still tense. I stepped back and she let go. The arrow hit just above the target.

Out of nowhere we saw a dagger hit the bullseye. We looked to where it came from and saw it was Lucy. She giggled. It felt awesome being around them.

We heard the thumping of horses hooves and the clanging of swords. We looked in the direction it came from. Edmund and Peter were riding on horses fighting with there swords. Edmund was on a brown horse while Peter was riding a white unicorn.

Suddenly beavers went up to them. "Peter, Edmund!" Edmund's horse reared.

"Woah horsey." He said annoyed.

"My name is Philip." The horse said to him. Edmund looked embarrassed.


Beaver started talking again while we listened. "The white witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. She's on her way here."

The boys got off the horse and unicorn and ran back to camp with Mr Beaver, Susan, Lucy, and I following. When we got there we stood next to each other.

An annoying dwarf introduced the witch. "The queen of Narnia. Empress of the lone island."

The Narnians yelled to her. She didn't belong here. We watched Aslan as the witch approached. She was being carried by four giants. She got up and walked closer to Aslan while her gaze was on Edmund. She looked at Aslan as she stopped walking.

"You have a traitor in your mist Aslan." She said. It was quiet. I put my hand on Edmund's shoulder comfortingly.

"His offense was not against you." Aslan spoke calmly.

"Have you forgotten the laws up on Narnia was built Aslan." She said.

"Don't cite the deep magic to me witch. I was there when it was written." Aslan said with a growl.

"Then you will remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property."

She turned her head to Peter as he drew his sword and pointed it at the witch.

"Try and take him then." Peter said.

"Do you really think meer force will deny me my right little king." She said. "That boy will die on the stone table." She said as she pointed at Edmund.

I took my hand off Edmund's shoulder and grabbed ahold of Peter's arm. He looked at me nervously. I rubbed my thumb on his arm and he smiled at me.

She looked back at Aslan, "Aslan knows that unless I have blood as the law demands," she turns around, "All of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water," she turns and points at Edmund, "that boy will die in the stone table."

We all looked at Edmund. My grip on Peter's arm tightened.

"As is tradition." She turned back to Aslan, "you dare not refuse me."

The crowd was yelling protests.

"Enough...... I shall talk to you alone."

He turned away from us and walked into his tent. After a second the white witch followed. We all sat down, waiting for them to come back out.

Lucy and Susan sat next to each other with Lucy next to Edmund. I sat down on the other side of Edmund. Peter came and sat on the other side of me and grabbed my hand.

I looked at him and saw his panicked face. I only closed my hand around his and squeezed it. He looked up to face me. He relaxed a little bit, but not much. I could see Lucy and Susan looking at us and whispering to each other.

Time Skip

After what felt like forever Aslan and the witch came out and we stood up. As the witch was walking back to her throne she kept her stare on Edmund until she turned to look at me. Peter only held my hand tighter. She then looked at our hands and smirked.

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Again this is going to be a 2 part of Ellie's point of view.

Peter is getting worried and is going to Ellie for comfort. What do you think will happen between them?

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