First day..

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm at five thirty exactly. I hit the damn thing to shut it up. My hand hurt after that. I groaned and slowly got out of bed to get in the shower. No one was up but me so it was all quiet and creepy in my house. Even my mom wasn't up... But I don't care. I got in the shower and quickly got myself cleaned..well quickly to me. "Ugh I hate school...", I said. I opened the shower door and realized how cold it was when I got out. It was so freezing. I got ready for the day by wearing black skinny jeans, a blue cedar point shirt, and black vans. " I look amazing!", I say to myself. Well, its time to start walking to the bus stop. Oh, before I forget, let me introduce myself. My name is Cameron. I live in Ohio, the most bipolar state when it comes to weather. I'm in the ninth grade and oh yeah, I'm gay. Well, as I said, time to walk to the bus stop.

As I'm walking to the bus stop, I always send a good morning text to my best friend Becca. She is like a sister to me and would do anything for me. She was one of the first people that I came out to. She understood because.. Well we will get to that later. I texted her but before I did, I saw my ex's contact. I stared at it, and got tears in my eyes. "I need to forget about him.. All he did was use me..", I said silently. Becca messaged back saying good morning. We both ride the same bus and I sit by her on the bus. We both have a crush on the same guy! He's so amazing!!! I don't talk to him much, but when I do I make it count. I got on the bus and basically plopped down in my seat. I was so tired.. And didn't wanna deal with anybody's shit today. The bus ride go school isn't that long, but its a pretty lengthy ride. I saw the guy me and Becca liked. He just sat there.. Looking cute! He looked over and I quickly shifted my head so it was staring at the seat in front of me. I feel like were so close... Yet so far apart.

We finally arrived at the school. It was the first day of high school and only a couple of people knew that I was gay. Of course, everyone would probably figure out because of my outfit. I looked up at the school, and started to get sick to my stomach. " I don't want to go to high school..I'm not ready for it..", I said. I walked inside the door getting the feeling that a lot of people are staring at me. I know a lot of people do, but still you don't need to make it obvious. I saw the guy walk in, and he always goes into the auditorium where we can sit in the morning. I got to the cafeteria to meet with my friends. "Oh my god!!!CAMERON!?!?!!", my other best friend Allie screamed across the cafeteria. "Your gonna make a scene..", I said blushing. My friend Allie and I haven't hung out all summer. Her parents don't like gay people, so they get mad when ever we hang out together. Well, the bell rang. Time to go to enrichment.

I was walking down the hallway when someone said, " look at that fag! Hahaha!!" I was mortified. My face was so red with embarrassment that I just held my head down and kept walking on. Everyone was talking about me then.. And I didn't like it. I got to my locker finally, and I had to learn how to use my combination lock. It was kind of broken, so it took awhile. I put in 35, 27, 32...and POP! I did it. I had like seven binders just for the first half of the day. "This stuff is so heavy!", I said with an attitude under my breath. I was walking down the stairs to get to my enrichment which was room 108. On the way there, of course, the staring happened. Then I saw him. I usually just stare at him, and I'm all better, but not today. Today is a day that will scar me forever. I finally made it to the room, and saw so many familiar faces I really didn't wanna see. " let's just get this day over with", I said.

Of course, there are a lot of jocks in my enrichment..that are really cute...well some of them. There's one I did have a big huge crush on, but I just let it fade away. I went to my spot in the c!assroom and sat there, waiting for the teacher. "Good morning everyone! My name is Mrs. Cannon. I hope you all are excited for school!" "No we are not!!", said some jackass in the corner chair. He was basically "the class clown", or so he thinks he is. Well, I already know that this school year is just gonna be fantastic...

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