Hell Hole

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I sat in enrichment waiting for the bell to ring to go to 1st period. "Oh my fucking god, how long does it take the bell to ring?!?", I said. The bell rang st 8:20, which was way to early to leave enrichment I think. I really don't want to go to 1st period on the first day... Cause its german. I don't even know why I signed up for that class, but I sure as hell know that im not taking Spanish!...I can't roll my R's. RIIINNNNGGGG!?!?!??!! The bell finally! I heard the German teacher is nice so I'm kind of excited, but then again not really. I have to walk upstairs to get to the German room. Stairs are the end of me. I was walking through the hallway, and of course  staring went on again. I was seriously about to say something, but I'm a gay kid. People would just laugh at me. I walked up the stairs and walked to room 203 as fast as I could.

I got there and was so happy I was in that class. My two good friends, that are really close to me, are in this class. "Heyy girl!", I yelled across the room. " heyy", my friend Jenna said back. Back in my straight days, Jenna and I dated. I felt kind of bad when I broke the news to her that I was gay. I felt like she was heartbroken for a little bit, but she eneded getting over it and were the bestest of friends. Kelsi sat there silent. In German, we learned how to speak like eight german words the first day. We learned I, you, he, she,what, etc. German wasn't bad at all. I though it was really fun! The period went by really fast so next was american history class. I was so happy to be in american history class! The junior high teacher moved over to the high school and I had him for a second year! The teacher from the junior high really liked me and he thought I was such a good student, but I'm scared about what were gonna learn.

I walked into the American history room which was room 114. I saw Mr. James and he was excited to see me. "How have you been Brad its been such a long time!", he said. I sat there thinking, bitch its been basically two and a half months. I kind of liked Mr. James's class. He always made learning a fun experience to be in. " Welcome to Modern American History class. I hope you all had an amazing summer break! This year were gonna learn about a lot of things like the depression, world war I and world war II and even more than that!" I sat there zoning out into space and then he asked the question how many kids in here were in my class last year?. My hand shot up so fast I'm pretty sure I popped my arm out of socket. There were a couple of kids in there, but all of them were douche bags anyway. I honestly don't know if Mr. James knows if I'm gay, but how can you not tell?!? The bell rang. Thank god.

The next class is science room 103. "Oh my god... We have the football coach for a science teacher", I said to my friend cassidy. We were both scared. I walked in the room that was about 100° and gulped. The teacher looked... Scary...but like a good scary...like someone who would protect you scary. His name was Mr. Tims. Ugh, I could tell that I'm gonna hate this class.. " GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! I AM MR. TIMS AND WELCOME TO GENERAL PHYSICAL SCIENCE!", he said. He was scary... Jesus... His voice was so loud. I really liked science class last year in eighth grade, but the tewafher was a lot more into doing fun experiments and making everything really easy for the students. "Everyone introduce there selves!" He started with my friend Kyle Anderson who really doesn't like talking in public. "My name is kyle and I'm 14 years old and I live in Warsaw.", he said. I could tell he was nervous because he had a trembling voice when he talked. Of course, he went through everyone else, and it got to me finally. I said my name is Cameron Stgermaine and I'm 14 years old and I live in town. I don't like talking in front of people because I'm a guy that has a high voice. In this class there were people that were jocks and I didn't like them. There's only like four girls in the classroom. Thank god they were all of my friends. We got assigned science books, and then the bell rang. Next period is lunch!!

I rushed myself upstairs to get to my locker. Our lockers are tiny, so when there's two people standing at one locker, their blocking the other one. Someone was in front off my locker while I was walking. By the time I got there they moved, thank god. I felt the feeling of getting stared at. Fuck it, I'm in a good mood, so I'll let it slide. My friends and I met and went too lunch. Kyle and all is were both in fourth period lunch. Today was ravioli day. It looked like vomit. I wasn't hungry, but I ate it anyways. I didn't want people to question me. I sat at a free table with my three firends kyle, allie, and Dylan. I have dyksn in German, but forgot to mention him. Him and I get into a lot of disagreements, but always see the light at the end of the tunnel. "What the hell is this nasty shit!", allie said. "Its nasty ass shit is what it is. Looks like dog food haha!!", Kyle said. I didn't say anything. I was in a depressed mood. I didn't feel like my speech mattered right now. My friends were so supportive of me, and I love them so much for it. I kind of have a crush on one of them, but I don't acknowledge it. I honestly just wanna be his friend. We ate lunch as normal, and all I did for the rest of the period was listen to depressing music. We have to wait for a buzzer to go off so we can move away from the cafeteria so they can clean it. It literally takes them five minutes to clean a kind of big cafeteria. That's impressive if you ask me. The buzzer rang. Time to move.

All we did is sit by these podiums and wait for the actual school bell to ring. It takes forever.. It useless. As I wait for the bell, I sit on the benches wrapped around the podiums. There uncomfortable but its better than standing. The bell rings, and its time for algebra. Its in room 115. I walk in and see my best friend ace, and then later my other best friend Maddie! " Cameron!!!", Maddie said. She was so excited to see me. Jace wasn't happy to be at school because his summer ended. Hi Jace, I said to him. "Hi..", he said  he sounded, a little upset, but I didn't acknowledge it. "Good afternoon everyone, my name is Mrs. Morgan. Welcome to algebra 1!", she said. She looked boring. She looked like someone who just did learning and no fun. We will just have to wait and see. We just talked about what we were gonna do in algebra..and it was so boring.

Next period was English. It was in room 213. I walked in, and of course, the teachers are basketball coaches. I didn't want to deal with, two coaches? Oh great, this class has two teachers in it. "Great..", I said. I satby my friend Allie. Thank god she was in this class. I wouldn't be able to live in this room if she wasn't here. The teachers were both late to class. " demerit!!", everyone said. The two teachers were both guys, and of course, coaches. Why must I get put in these classes? "Good afternoon everyone, my name is Mr. Linner, and my name is Mr. Bass." Mr. Bass was such a  weird name. Everyone started laughing when he said it. "Welcome to English 9!", they both said. They started taking about the concept of the class, and I sat there falling asleep. Its been such a  long fucking day. I'm ready to go home and sleep.

Next period was.... Oh my god.... Gym class. I had the bitchy teacher Mrs. Kenzie. The gym was freezing, and I was shivering. " everyone take a seat NOW!", she said. She was a bitchy ass teacher, who makes us work out, when she needs it the most. All she did was explain what we were gonna do in the class, and sit there and eat food, and food, and more food. Finally the bell rang to leave. That went by fast.

Next period is my favorite period of all!! Its band class!! I love band. Of course, were doing marching band stuff, so I'm playing this stupid baritone. I play baseball clarinet in concert band. I love that instrument, and wanted to do it in marching band , but I wasn't allowed to, so fuck it. I walked into the band room, and it
was amazing. It was easy better than the Junior Highs, which was right across from the High School. Why would anybody do that?!? The teacher walked in. "Good afternoon high school band!", he always says. " Good afternoon Mr. Smith!", we all replied. All we did was work on our music. We usually went outside and marched. I don't like doing that though. I'm a big person who doesn't like exercise. Well, after we practiced our music, we put everything away and waited for the bell to ring. Finally it rang, and I was finally free from this hell hole. Now, to the bus. Jesus, this is gonna be a long ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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