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 It was nearly a week since we returned from the camping trip, and now Toya and I sat in my room. We were watching the rain hit the window. It soaked everything in sight, landscape, people, and cars.

Thunder struck, and the room went black.

"Toya!" I yelled, frantically searching for my boyfriend. "Come out, it's not nice to joke!" I became more worried by the second. Did I lose him, just like that? "Toya! Please!"

I retreated to my bed and cried. No response. I cried harder, worked up from the thought of him dying. My eyes became puffy and red, then snot dripped down my face soon after. My voice turned a whine and I choked on my own spit. He couldn't die. He couldn't leave me like that!

As I wiped snot off my face, I felt a pair of warm arms around me. "I'm sorry for scaring you." So he didn't die. Huh.

"You're stupid," I smiled. I leaned in and kissed him. "So wonderfully stupid." I couldn't see him due to the darkness, but I'd guess that he was smiling.


I yelped as more thunder was heard. This time, however, Toya was holding me. "How could you yell so loud, Akito?"

I snorted. "How could YOU be so stu—" he shut me up with a finger to my lips.

"What's your obsession to calling me stupid for?" He asked rather seriously.

"Just a joke." I pulled him closer as rain continued to crash down, the gentle aura long lost.

"Ah. Does that mean that I can tease you?"

I wasn't expecting that. "Yea, just don't become Rui the second." He pulled me closer.

His mouth was against my ear now. "I would never, my king~" His breath was warm and tickled my ear. I blushed more than I should have.

"I-I never knew you were such a flirt." I murmured quietly.

He chuckled and put a hand under my head. This was a side of him that no one had ever seen before. After a minute, he started scratching my chin. It almost felt nice. I subconsciously lifted my chin, allowing him easier access. I could only assume that he pets dogs like this. So unfair that get free access to this. How come it took me so long to get Toya's affection? So unfair!

"Do you like this, Akito?" He questioned teasingly as he moved up to my cheek.

I could hardly respond, but I still mustered a response. "Mhm!" He laughed and kept scratching.

After a few more minutes, he removed his hand and kissed my forehead. "Seeing you so cute and embarrassed is fun."


Toya was reading — I have no idea how he does it — and I was playing online Smash Bros, like I had been doing the last few days. I was in his lap with the Switch in handheld, and he held the book over my head so he could see. After I finished a round, I pulled his book down so I could see it.

"Here, let me see." I started reading the book but got confused by the first sentence. Toya had such a high vocabulary. "Nerd..."

"It really isn't all that hard to understand." He paused. "Do you want me to read it to you? It might be easier to understand."

"Yea." I knew I was going to tune out, but I still wanted to hear his gentle voice.

"Okay." He smiled and flipped to the beginning. He soon started reading the ramble of a book, fancied up with high vocabulary and really, really long sentences. It felt like math class, but I only didn't want to sneak out because it was Toya.

I yawned as I leaned on his shoulder. Spoiled was an understatement. But even with my annoying desperation, he still pulled me close.

"You know, Toya." I should have slept. I was being a mess. "You look nice. Your hair is beautiful and well kept," Oh no. "Like, I should start calling you senpai. Your beauty is on another level." He flushed, his ears and cheeks as red as roses. That's it, I needed to sleep. "Now, give me the pleasure of a kiss."

He follower my stupid command. He smacked our lips together, surprisingly sloppy for him. Once our lips parted, I decided I wanted another, so I formed another kiss.

All that could be heard were the sounds of our lips, but even then Ena decided it was too much. She stopped in. "Can you guys make out somewhere else? You're interrupted a call." Which is more important, a video call with Mizuki or 'making out'?

Rather than falling asleep, we just stared into each other's eyes. A slight smile formed on both of our faces as we admired each other. Toya's beautiful, gray eyes made me weak, yet I couldn't look away. They were full of wonder, full of love. Love. That's what I wanted to give my partner.

We continued to sit in our comfortable silence. We didn't cup each other's faces or hug at all. We just sat, fingers together, staring at each other. Neither of us dared to mutter a word.

As I stared at every detail on Toya's face, I grew tired. I shut my eyes, my final thought for the night being how wonderful my boyfriend is.


I'd like to note that it is exactly 2:28 AM. I should sleep.

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