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"So," I start. "That happened..."

"Yeah..." April mutters as she takes a sip from her glass.

"I'm telling you, we've been transported to some alternate universe. We must've crossed some weird-ass seventh dimension thingy when we were driving to this place." Liya grabs a handful of onion rings and shoves them in her mouth.

"What if we wake up tomorrow only to realize that it was all a dream?"

"April, this isn't Inception. We aren't collectively dreaming."

It's past midnight and the three of us are on the terrace, lounging around and trying to make sense of what a day it has been for all of us. We decided to crack open a bottle of red wine and chill out with the stars. Literal ones. We have had enough of metaphorical stars for one day, thank you very much. The boys left around six in the evening and we all had a blast. It was a loud lunch under the sky and I turned on the fairy lights once again. The food was amazing, the company was extraordinary and the conversations entertained shall stay with me forever. It took us two hours to get the house right, the place looked messier than my closet back home. We then had dinner as silently as possible because chaos kept ringing in our ears. April played some songs in the background which were consciously chosen to not be EuphoNia's tracks. I guess we just needed to separate ourselves from the band momentarily to figure out how to deal with the situation. It was an easy time spent and genuinely, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. But that doesn't change the fact that we literally had lunch with celebrities in our own house. How ridiculous will that sound to, say, Mrs Gilbert? I'm so glad we took some pictures. Well, a lot of them. And we promised to not post them on social media until the vacation ends because we could see that the boys really wanted some privacy from the outside world. Understandable at all costs.

"I'm just gonna say that the highlight of my day was seeing Jeremy unload tomato puree on April's face." Liya laughs. "She looked like a cross between a squirrel and a hamster!"

Yeah apparently, all of them had some crackhead version of food fight behind my back. I will never forgive them for this, I needed pictures for future blackmailing.

"Don't remind me of that, please." April squirms and I chuckle.

"But can we talk about Liya's pool date with the love of her life?" I mean, why would I ever give up the opportunity to tease?

"Ooooohhh, they got interrupted from their first kiss."

"WHAT?!" I jump and glare at Liya. She conveniently left out that one little detail.

"What the hell, shut up! It wasn't like that!"

"Oh come on, it was too obvious."

"Because you refuse to use your common sense sometimes. We slipped inside the pool by mistake and that's when you all exploded through the glass door. Why the hell would I kiss him with an audience as imaginative as you all sitting casually in the vicinity? Common sense."

April and I stare at each other. It does make sense to the human us but what shall we do about the crackhead us? We sit in silence for ten seconds.

And then...

"JULIAN AND LIYA, SITTING UNDER THE TREE. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" We both start singing at the same time and burst out laughing.

"Oh, for the love of GOD!" Liya throws chips at us and I hit her with the cushion on my lap. It soon turns into a godforsaken pillow fight under the stars and we momentarily forget about the celebrities next door. The sound of the night is infiltrated by our shrieks and giggles and this is how day one of our vacation comes to an end.

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