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Riser VS Tengai Hekiji, Kendo Rappa.

"Riser are you sure you can take both of them down?"

"Hmm....worried about me captain?"

"Dont get cocky bitch. If you die I will have to look for another member and I dont want that."

"Hai hai." Riser splits off from the group and rushes towards the eight bullets or to be specific Kendo rappa and Tengai Hekiji.

"Ho? So you will be the one fighting us huh Riser cromwell." Rappa says as he starts shadow boxing.

"I will just rip you apart." With a large amount of confidence Rappa claims and ryns towards Riser.

"Dont underestimate him idiot. He is a member of BLACK."

Just as Kendo reaches near Riser, he lifts his hands and starts releasing a barrage of punches. His shoulder starts spinning violently giving him a speed boost. But non of them were hitting riser. Every punch he threw was blocked by Riser's barrier quirk whichx shocked Tengen to his core.

"Oi Tengen why are you blocking me?" Kendo asks as ge jumos away from Ruser and rests his arm.

"That was not me. It was that boys quirk. Its same as me." Tengen exclaims with a smirk.

"Sorry to say, but we are different." Riser's hand gets covered with a yellow barrier and just as Kendo did he starts throwing punches. But it was off no use as Tengen had already made a barrier to block whatever was thrown at him.

"This is gonna be a pain in ass.." Riser lets out a sigh and tighten his gloves.

"Well it my job. No use of crying."

While Riser is fighting them, a bit far away away. Najime was busy with two members of eight bullets.

"What the he'll is this..I am not able to walk properly" While she tries to get near Soramitsu Tabe she suddenly starts feeling like she was drunk. Unable to walk properly as if she was in a state of inebriation.

"Oi take the chance and kill her idiot." Deidora Sakaki says as he sees his idiot teammate Soramitsu just looking at Najime.

"Hai" Soramitsu jumps up in the air and launches himself towards Najime. But he was grabbed by some kind of scarf and send back towards Deidora.

"W-what?" Both the members of eight bullets says with a surprise in their face.

"Looks like you are in a tough spot Najime"

Najime stands up and looks to her left and finds Shinso standing next to her with a long scarf floating near his face.

"I thought you were not part of this mission" Najime says.

"Well I am now. Izuku had given me some other things to deal with and it ended too quickly" Shinso replies and starts walking towards the two enemies.

"Why do you two wear these weird masks?"

"This proves that we are subordinates of mast-" Before efore Deidora could finish Shinso caught him in his brainwash and took control over him.

"Take the other one down Najime." Shinso Says as he grabs Deidora with his scarf and pulls him closer.

Without wasting a second Najime sends laser towards Soramitsu and hits a clean shot on his head killing him instantly.

"WA? I thought they were supposed to be caught. You just killed him.." Shinso says in surprise.

"Well Shinso, Izuku ordered us to finish them so...."

"Yeah I understand. Then finish him too and let's move forward." Shinso kicks Deidora and before he could regain his conciousness he was also finished off by Najime with a laser going through his head.

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