200 years old devil

870 15 3

A beautiful and clear night. Moon shining brightly and from light yeas away rays of light from the stars kissed the earth warmly. The forest was noisy. Not only were the nocturnal animals and insect wide awake making noises the group of students that had came for training were also wide awake.

"Oi Bakugou cut the carrots. I will prepare for soup."
Izumi orders.

"Hmm..looks like all of you are working hard." Pixiebob, one of the members of wild wild pussy cats enters the outdoor kitchen.

"Uhh!! Yeah...hehe" Kaminari replies with a clear awkwardness.

"Oh! Right after dinner we have a something special prepared for you guys. So be excited today's night is going to super fun!!!!"


Dinner ended pretty quick. As the students were excited for the "something special" prepared by the wild wild pussy cats, they ate up fast and made their way to the hall where they were instructed to be formed up at.
Except for the students who failed at the  test conducted before the trip everyone had arrived. The failed students were inside a room stuck with Vladking in a special maths class.

"Ok!!! Listen up pipsqueaks.. we are here for a special night game!!!!!" Tiger another member of the will wild pussy cats jumps infront of them and breaks the surprise for the students. While some of them where excited for the night game there where also some who just didn't want to participate in these child games.

"Are we here for hero training or games. I am not here to play games with some grown up women and man. I am the next no.1 hero "DynaMight " games like this are only waste of time for me."
The explosive brat Katsuki straight up denies the idea of playing games and tried to leave. But it was not that easy. He was instantly grabbed by a special cloth which was easily identified to be Aizawa's.

"Things Like these are also part of hero training. Activities like this helps in improving chemistry between your colleagues which are very valuable when you become a hero. Every missions given to a hero cannot be completed solo. Keep that in mind."

"So the game is........"


Inside the meeting room,HCP headquarters.

"Why call this meeting darling?" In a seductive tone Shiro asks Izuku the reason of calling every BLACK member and some of the top heroes.

"No beating around the bush, I will get to the point straight... we are exterminating League Of Villains or atleast All for One today. You follow as I say, the villains will walk into our trap if not I will make a different approach. Either way death of All for One is destined.
Izuku reveals his reasons of meeting.

"200 years....for the past 200 years heroes have tried their hardest to take down the devil called All for One. Each and everytime the heroes try to defeat him, that devil always defeat us. No matter how many forces we have, no matter what type we have. The victory always went to All for One. And now a child with no experience of loss, pain or suffering says that 'we are going to take down All for One?' Is  this some kind of sick joke? Listen up kid we have a country to protect, we don't have time to spend on bullshits like this."
Words from Mt.lady were partially true but....

"Devil? All for One? Really? Calling a 200 year old man a devil. Don't you think that's too much Yu takeyama aka Mt.lady. A villain who defeated heroes everytime they stood against him. A villain who has the power to take down the entire hero system of Japan down. A villain who could make the whole world a miserable place. You call him a devil? Then why is he hiding? After the battle against All might that happens 13 years ago, why has the so called Devil never appeared again? The villains who always terrorized the country before...
After that fateful battle, what happened to him. It is not that he is resting. He is also scared. Just like us he is also scared, he is scared that in the future a greater power will come and defeat him and for that to not happen he has been preparing, while we are sitting here taking down worthless mutts. He has escaped death multiple times and each time he won he had a very serious injury that he had to deal with. If we take that into account currently he is living on a support of  quirk. That is the only way he is surviving. The fact that he has been preparing is concerning but it doesnt look like he is  anywhere near the end of doing it. Anyways, what I am saying is All for One dies today be it with or without permission. I don't give a fuck."

"You have my full support Izuku" Shiro backs up Izuku, which means that Hero commision is willingly or unwillingly going to participate in this mission.

"I am counting on you snowflake."



Whole of class 1a and 1b was wide awake. The special night game organized by Wild Wild Pussy Cats was going at full power.

(Or was it a night game?)

"So it's our time to go huh." The pair of Shoka and Izumi started moving by the path which they were said to walk on.

"A-are you...scared Shoka" Izumi asks with small unnoticeable shivers on her words.

"I think...I am a little bit." Shoka replies.

While they move, a cloud of smoke suddenly hits them. Their vision was blocked and the smoke made it difficult for them to breath.

"I-izumi grab my hand and lets run back." While they were running a pinkish laser cuts the trees around them instantly stripping them naked of their cover.


From Izumi's call Shoka understood what has to be done.

Without wasting a single second Shoka instantly creates an avalanche in hope of freezing the laser girl.

"Weak." A single word rang in their ears. As the pain of small hole formed near her abdomen starts the words disappeared from her mind and a surge of pain enters. Shoka fell down clutching onto her right abdomen.

"You laser fuck" with anger, Izumi jumps at the laser girl with hope of landing a punch onto her face. But she was sent flying away when somebody gets in her way and punches square at her chest.

"Finally I can rampage " A deep voice struck Izumi's ringing ears.

"Why are you hear.... Mascular" The laser girl asks.

"I can do whatever I want laser girl." Mascular replies.

The girls eyes instantly lights up and shoots a straight line of concentrated flames at Mascular burning quiet a bit of his fibers that protected his body.

"I have a name. It's Najime. Call me laser girl again and the next second you will be nothing more than a half cut worthless piece of shit."

"Tch laser bitch" Upon getting screamed by Najime, Mascular sighs and shifts his gaze to the two wanna be heroes.

"What do you want?" Izumi asks.

"You know well what we want. It's you brat. You and your group of friends. We need them alive and then master will decide what to do with you four.

"There is no fucking way we are going to lose to some muscle head."

Yosh. This ends the 16th part of Heartless. Yes I know I am not consistent. But there is nothing I can do. My classes are going on and it takes most of my days time. The only time I get free is at night and that is when I type stories. After a frustrating day I don't even feel like thinking for my stories. But I am still forcing myself to do it.

Hope you guys enjoyed. If you did leave a vote and follow me for more stories like this.


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