psychopathy - the hidden stigma

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Hello, im back again with some ranting. So the subject that i picked up for today is no one other than

More precisely, their potrayal in books of wattpad, at least in the fanfiction genre. god those are uttterly gold.

So we are gonna break this up in different sections/problems.

- intro -

∆ first of all, in order to discuss such a topic we need to know what the word 'psychopath' means and who all can fall under that criteria.

psychopathy is characterized by persistent antisocial behaviour, violent behaviour, unempathy towards others, narcissim i.e having a superior feeling about oneself and downgrading everyone else.

∆ known to be charmers, psychopaths are great manipulators and would go up to any extent to reach their goals.

∆ they also can't maintain proper relationships due to the lack of empathy and connection with their significant other/anyone else for that matter of fact.

∆ they are pathalogical liars, trust me, there's no limit to a psychopath's lies.

∆ they are impulsive and spontaneous in nature and hence get into trouble a lot.

∆ there's also a psychopath checklist by which the diagnosis  of psychopathy is done.

∆ note that there are two types of psychopathy, one which is non-criminal also known as  'Cleckleyan psychopath' and the other one, which is apparently 'criminal psychopathy'

∆ 'criminal psychopathy' as the name suggests is used in the diagnosis of psychopathy in criminals and this is the type of psychopathy is used the most in fanfictions.


- sociopathy v/s psychopathy -

• there's been a lot of confusion between sociopaths and psychopaths and they often get mistaken for each other.

• sociopaths and psychopapths do share same qualities but there are some major differences between the two.

• one, psychopaths do not have empathy but sociopaths do. they have the ability to feel some empathy.

two, sociopaths can learn from their previous mistakes, whilst psychopapths cant. that is, when something doesn't go as they wish because of THEM, then they feel regret for not attaining their intial goal, not by the fact that it was because of them that they couldn't attain the goal, whilst socioapths and normal people, feel regret and work on their mistakes and make sure they dont make the same mistake unlike psychopaths.

• sociopaths tend to be more erratic, more short tempered/rage prone whilst a psychopath seems to be more of a so-called "cool headed person."

• basically sociopaths are more "hot headed" whilst psychopapths are more "cool headed".

• psychopapths are calculative and are more vigilant, unlike sociopaths who are, as i mentioned earlier, erratic.

• a psychopath can seem to lead a completely normal life while sociopaths tend to engage themselves in more criminal and reckless activities. note that this doesnt mean that psychopapths dont engage themselves in these activities, it's just that in the cases of psychopaths, they seem to conceal their real self with much ease as opposed to sociopaths.

• sociopaths are most certainly dangerous to the society but psychopapths are clearly, more dangerous to the society than sociopaths because of their ability to conceal their real motives with much ease.


- other disorders -

° sociopathy is just one of the disorders which can be similar to psychopathy.

° other disorders like narcissistic personality disorder [npd], machiavellianism, sadism, boderline personality disorder [bpd] etc also share some similarities with sociopathy and psychopathy.

° these are traits that are included in psychopathy and they are also separate disorders by themselves. 


So yeah, that was a brief intro to what psychopathy is. now we will begin their potrayal in fanfictions.

- features -

∆ attractive and charming, yes. these are correct.

∆ horny assholes? in some way, partly correct.

∆ possesive/controlling, yes.

twisted ideology/thought processes, yes. though, it is not potrayed in detail, it is shown subty, but honestly im still not satisfied with it.

most of the times, the psychopaths are playing roles of a twisted serial killer or is somehow connected to the underworld. i cannot agree with this entirely because, it is not necessary for a psychopath to be a serial killer. they can very well be the CEO of a company or can also be working in your local coffee shop and yet lead a normal life.

what i want to put across is, that  psychopapths doesnt necessarily have the need or thirst to kill someone. they can inflict pain and be manipulative in different ways. abuse doesnt necessarily have to be shown in grand ways, it can be shown in subtle ways too.

∆ anger and trust issues at its peak. yes.

∆ unpredictable and can snap at any time. yes.


For now i can only thinks of this much. if i do get any ideas then i will he sure to add them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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