Chapter Two:Fallen Angel

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Chapter Two:Fallen Angel

Harry's p.o.v

I felt like my wings had been torn to pieces as I felt my feathers being ripped from me I cried out and then I fall out of the sky not being able to move my wings blood rushing from my stomach and wings I cry out in pain as I hit something hot and before I knew it I felt comforting hands around me I jump and he says "your alright" I gasp as I see a blur of bright blue eyes and then darkness overtakes me I wake up in a soft bed when I open my eyes I look around the room and see dark walls and granite floors and a golden comforter over me I try to raise up but I see my stomach is bandaged up and I look and check my wings and I see they have been clipped I gasp and start to cry how could they do this to me? all because I had a little crush on michael the arch angel?.

The door opens which catches my attention a brown headed woman she smiles as she shuts the door "oh your awake how are you feeling?" I smile slightly as she walks towards me "I am ok where am I?" she smiles as she sits in the chair next to the bed "you will have answers soon enough but for now I am eleanor what happened to your wings?" I look over to see only a little bit of my wings sticking up out of my skin "uh they were clipped" she gasps and covers her mouth with her hand "oh you poor thing why?" I hold my head low disgusted at myself "because I fell for one of the angels and that is not right in his eyes" she lays her hand onto mine "there is nothing wrong with that love is love it doesn't know gender or age or color".

I smile I may end up liking this girl and she says "ok uh I hate to say this but we may need to take the rest of your wings out because what he did to you not finishing the job he started angers me i'm sorry" I nodd and she says "let me go get one of my friends I will be right back" she left the room for a few minutes and then returned with a bright blonde haired guy and a blonde haired girl she smiled at me which I returned and she says "hi i'm taylor the maid and nurse here" I smile and nodd to her and the blonde haired guy says "i'm niall I am the docter/librarian".

I smile and he says as he sits on the bed "ok this is gonna be really painful but we gotta take the rest of the wings out so it doesn't hurt ok?" I nodd and he instructs me to lay on my stomach and when he started to clip the rest of it off my skin I scream in pain and eleanors hand grabs mine and she soothes me "its ok just squeeze my hand its almost over niall hurry and finish it" he nodds he had stopped because it hurt me and when I scream again I say "just do it niall its ok" he nodds and then he finishes it and I was breathing deeply eleanor rubs my head full of curls and she says "its alright its all over".

I nodd tears streaming down my cheeks and I let sleep overtake me and when I wake up I see my whole upper body was bandaged up I raise up and see eleanor asleep in the chair and I hear a voice "your awake" I cast my gaze to the glass doors that went out to the balcony and see a dark figure standing at the doors and I say "who are you?" he chuckles and stays where he's at and he says "I am the devils son" I gasp wait a minute the son? how is that possible? the devil he never had children "how is that possible? the devil never had children" he chuckles quite darkly if I might add "is that what they told you in heaven?".

I took offense to that he's cocky and arrogant "come into the light" when I hear his footsteps towards me I look up to see a bright blue eyed muscular man his arms was huge and he looked like the devil to be honest he smirks at me and he asks "so satisfied?" I roll my eyes and look away from him he was cocky I give him that and he asks "so tell me why did they clip your wings?" I exhale as he sits on the bed next to me "I fell for one of the angels and in his eyes thats not right" he looks shocked at first but then his face turns to kindness "which angel?".

I take a deep breath and I reply "Michael" he smiles and starts to laugh and I say "whats so funny?" he stops laughing "you could have done better than that out of all those sexy angels you picked michael? for me it would had been gabriel he's hot" I cross my arms and roll my eyes "gabriel is full of himself michael is tough and brave" he rolls his eyes and chuckles once again "well I may have to talk to my father but how would you like to stay here? as mine and my sisters not slave but acquaintance" that didn't seem to bad and I ask "how many sisters do you have?" he smirks and chuckles like he was afraid of that question "six i'm the only boy out of six sisters and I got a baby brother he's just a baby i'm the oldest" I snicker and he gives me a glare and I nodd "sure".

He looked stunned at first but then he smirks and when I fall back asleep I wake up and find clothes on my bed I slip them on it was jeans? we never got to wear jeans in heaven it was always skirts or dresses I slip them on and they are snug and a solid black shirt and when I step out of the room I see eleanor and taylor talking they smile at me as they lead me to the throne room and we talked for a few minutes until everyone goes quiet I look around to see a much older man in a solid black fur cloak isn't he hot in that? with black leather jeans a black shirt he sits on the throne with his son behind him whom I met last night he smiles and winks at me I roll my eyes and he does nothing but chuckle taylor hits my arm and he kneels and the devil says "you asked to speak with me son?".

he rises to his feet and looks to me the devils gaze follows his sons and he says "what is that angel doing here?" he was slightly angry and he says "uh my lord he's a fallen" he looked slightly angry but then it went away and he says "step forward" I was slightly scared but taylor pushes me and he says "i'm not going to hurt you angel" I nodd and I walk and I stand next to his son and I look down and he says "don't be afraid why are you here?" I look up to him and answer "uh I fell for one of the angels up there my lord and they clipped my wings and when I fell this is where I landed and I was taken care of until I was able to get out of bed".

He nodds and his face unreadable and his son says "father he can be an acquaintance for the girls" I nodd and add "I can cook clean anything or read them stories i'll do anything to earn my stay here" he nodds and he sighs "they won't be looking for you?" I shake my head "no sir they won't they have a rule up there if you fall for another angel or a man you are no longer welcome in the kingdom of god" he nodds and he steps forward and he touches my shoulder "than you are welcome here".

I smile at him and he rubs my curls "but we do need to fatten you up dinner is ready" I smile over to the boy next to me and when I walk over to eleanor she smiles at me and hugs me and so does taylor and then I feel a hand on my side I turn to see the son he smiles at me "louis" he holds out his hand and I smile as I grab his hand "harry" we shake hands who would think this was the start of a beautiful friendship or was it the start of something else?.


like it so far? I DO and I'm the one writing it haha

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