1.08 | The Spring Fling

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HAVE YOU EVER SAT through a programme, no matter how boring it was, just because you were too lazy to get up and look for the remote?

Chase, Dana, Mia, Michael and Nicole were.

They were sitting in the girls' lounge together, watching a long documentary about grass.

"Okay, why are we watching this?" Nicole asked, confused. "I hate grass." Michael grumbled.

"Do you have hay fever, too?" Mia gasped, sounding surprised, yet pleased, to have something else in common with him.

He shook his head.

"Yeah, change the channel." Dana told Chase.

"On it." He responded, finally picking up the remote. He pressed the button, but it didn't work.

"Make it stop!" Michael pleaded. "I'm trying! The remote's not working." Chase replied.

"Ooh. My grandfather said that when he was a kid, he would just walk up to the TV and change the channel by turning the dial or something." Nicole recalled. "So, I have to get up?" Chase asked.

Nicole let out an exasperated sigh, whilst Dana rolled her eyes at him. "Just do it!" She hissed.

Chase got up to check for any dials or buttons on the side of the television. There were none.

"I see no dial." He told Nicole, turning to her, unimpressed. "Papa lied to me?" She gasped.

All of a sudden, Penny rushed in and was beaming with ecstasy. "Girls, girls. Guess what I did!"

"You bought a universal remote?" Chase asked, hopefully. "No." Penny answered, confused.

"Forget him. What'd you do?" Nicole asked, smiling brightly. "I signed us up to be on the planning committee for Spring Fling!" Penny announced.

"Wow, that's terrific!" Mia beamed, sounding rather enthusiastic about the opportunity.

Nicole and Dana, on the other hand, were less enthusiastic. "Us?" Dana flatly questioned.

"Yeah, you, me, Mia and Nicole," said Penny, still grinning with pride. "How cool is that?"

"It sounds very cool!" Mia replied, but Michael shook his head. "Not very." He corrected.

"Huh, really?" Mia asked, taken aback. "Yeah, Spring Fling is lame." Chase told her and Penny.

"Lame?" Penny asked.
"Lame." Chase confirmed.
"Why?" Nicole questioned.

"'Cause every year they get some band that no one wants to hear." Michael answered, in dismay.

"And we all sit outside eating lukewarm weenies and wish we were somewhere else." Chase added.

"I hate lukewarm weenies." Michael grumbled, shaking his head. "As much as grass?" Mia asked. Michael turned to her and said, "More than grass."

"Well, this year's Spring Fling's gonna be awesome 'cause us girls are planning it, right?" Penny asked. Mia, always the bubbly optimist, quickly nodded.

But Dana and Nicole both groaned.

"Oh, act excited!" Penny told them, making them do the same again but with slight enthusiasm.

"Face it, Penny. Nobody wants to sit outside in the hot sun and watch some lame band," said Michael.

Penny shrugged his scepticism off. "Well, what if we get someone awesome?" She pointed out.

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