1.02 | Perfect Roommates

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SOME WOULD SAY BOARDING school is amazing, because they get dormitories which are like their home away from home. But with dormitories come roommates. And they could tend to argue - a lot.

But not Mia and Quinn - they had a good dynamic, due to how much they had in common. And not just that they were both bespectacled brunettes.

Every day, Quinn would have an idea for a brand new invention because she loved science. Whether it was a silent leaf blower, a sleep monitor or a pair of binoculars with five lenses, of all things, she had a gift for experimenting - Mia found it interesting, which was one of the main reasons why Quinn valued her as a roommate and a best friend.

In return, Quinn was always open-minded about the things Mia enjoyed getting up to in their dormitory - although all her hobbies certainly weren't as immersive as scientific curiosity.

One sunny morning at Pacific Coast Academy, Mia was finishing up her diary entry with her small blue CD player filling the dormitory with the unforgettable song, Ginger Fox's Hate Me, Love Me.

Whilst Quinn was skipping rope, something she enjoyed in the morning because it causes the brain to vibrate, Mia shut her diary, placed it on her desk, got up from her bed and stretched her arms.

"Good morning, Mia," said Quinn, whilst she skipped. "Good morning." Mia replied, then turned to her near-empty desk and looked a bit confused. "Er, have you seen my hairbrush?" She asked.

"Uh-huh! Yesterday, at four-thirty. That was before you let Nicole borrow it." Quinn reminded Mia, who nodded. "Ahh, right. Be right back." She told her.

It was quarter to eight in the morning, when Mia left her dormitory and made her way to Room 101. She knew Nicole and Penny would be up, and that she had to be quiet because Dana often slept in.

However, Dana wasn't asleep - Mia could hear her angry yelling, as well as Nicole's high-pitched screams, from outside the dormitory. Mia also knew just how much Dana and Nicole bickered.

"Oh, you are having a laugh(!)" Mia quietly sighed, to herself. Since the arguments wouldn't stop, Mia suspected that Penny wasn't in the dorm room.

The British brunette headed to the girls bathroom, where her blonde bestie was brushing her teeth.

"Good morning, Penny." Mia greeted. Penny, with her toothbrush in her mouth, waved to her. She was still facing the mirror, at the same time. "Erm.. Dana and Nicole are at it again." Mia explained.

Penny sighed. "Not again." She mumbled, with toothpaste in her mouth. After she spat into the sink, she and Mia headed to her dormitory.

Unfortunately, Penny forgot her key.. again. "Ugh. Girls, can you open up? Nicole, Dana!" She called, as she knocked on the door repeatedly.

Dana opened the door. "Hi, Dana," said Mia, as Penny walked in. Dana nodded to Mia, as she walked in. "Where's your key?" Dana asked Penny. "I forgot it." She admitted. "Again," said Dana.

"Where's Nicole?" Mia wondered, as Penny looked around. As if on cue, the lavender closet doors opened and Nicole's head emerged from within.

"Can't I brush my teeth for five minutes without you two at each other's throats?" Penny asked.

"She started it." Nicole piped up, then pointed at Dana and crossed her arms in a pouting huff. "No! I was trying to sleep and, once again, she fired up her freakish hair dryer at seven a.m," said Dana.

"If I don't dry my hair, it'll frizz." Nicole defended. "Name three people who care!" Dana yelled. "Girls!" Penny yelled, but to no avail.

"Will you tell your friend that waking me up every morning is inconsiderate?" Dana asked Penny, which caused an affronted Nicole to gasp.

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