I'm a Vampire...Not a Bookworm (6)

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Knowing Dan Sterling was a Julien still came as a shock. All this time, Esmeralda thought she had the upper hand...This was even more complicated than she thought. Not to mention, Dan was still her "blackmailed boyfriend." Pacing back and forth, Esmeralda tried to replay back her scenes with Dan. The wrinkle appearing between her eyebrows signalled that something wasn't  adding up.

"So Dan is a Julien?" Esmeralda confirmed with Anthon.

"Yes, 100% positive. We've been conducting this investigation since the murder of the vampires, which was three weeks ago. All evidence leads up to the Sterling family."

"But I'm pretty sure Dan isn't. Just the way he acts..." 

So far she had not seen any signs of superstrength or abnormality from Dan. He was just a plain, normal human to her. Weak and feeble. There was always the possibility that he was a professional liar and actor, but that was unlikely.

"Thats because he hasn't turned 18," Anthon said while handing Esmeralda a file. Esmeralda opened the file and saw that all the papers were linked to Dan. In just one page, Esmeralda had already found out that Dan had a little sister called Juliet, lived in the same, rich neighborhood as her, and had two parents who were both doctors. The futher pages contained information on his past, including even detailed, specific infomation like when he had his first erection and where all his birthdays were celebreted.  The Vamp Guards had really done a good job on their homework.  

"We only got till December 31st, as you can see," Anthon said, pointing towards one of the pages which printed Dan's birthday. Which meant there was only about two weeks to go.

"And what do you plan to do till then?" Esmeralda looked into Anthon's eyes. She could see Anthon's gray eyes staring distantly into hers. She knew it wasn't going to be something good. One thing she hated was the helplessness of humans. That was why she never drank blood from a human; it made her feel pity, and she hated that feeling. It was the same feeling she got when she left Dan in the music room. And right now, she felt it again. Pity for Dan Sterling. 

"Monitor him. And if worst comes to worst, finish him off."

~~~Few Hours Later~~~

Esmeralda stood in front of Thomson Renold High School. Not because she wanted to check up on Dan or get back to class,but because she had promised Kris to pick her up after school. They had agreed to meet at 3:30, but she still didn't see the familiar red Porsche. 

"Hey where have you been?" some guy said. She turned around expecting it to be Kris, but instead it was Dan. She thought back to what Anthon, said. Anthon had been clear that they were going to have to get close to Dan. Which meant even though Anthon hated Esmeralda being Dan's girlfriend, it was already a huge step in getting closer. He had been clear though that their relationship could not involve sex, or he threatened he would literally just rip off Dan's throat.  

"Just out of town," Esmeralda stated. She was planning not to fight with Dan; afterall, she needed to somehow deepen their relationship. There was always her skill in seduction and it had always worked as a charm whenever she wanted something. She decided to give it a go.

Her pale green eyes stared into Dan's blue eyes. She flipped her wavy, red hair to her back, exposing the pale skin underneath. His eyes glanced at her neck, and in that second Esmeralda could see longing. She still had her skills. A confidence boosted inside her, bringing a smile to her lips. She stepped a few steps forward till she was right in front of Dan. His longing eyes were wavering on her lips. And for fun, she decided to lick her lips. And right there, Dan grabbed her heads and crashed his lips onto hers. 

Dan needed to kiss her, she was just too unresistable. Her exposed neck against her long red hair, the white flowing dress, and her plush red lips immediately pushed his desire for her to the edge. Plus, she was technically her girlfriend. He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue against her lips. And surprisely she opened her lips. Even playing with his tongue with hers. They kissed until they were out-of-breath and both panting in each other arms. 

Esmeralda had to admit that was one kiss. She looked at Dan's face, and what she saw surprised. His longing eyes were replaced with adoring affection in them. She had never been looked at like that, apart from Anthon. Usually, she was met with hungry eyes from guys wanting a piece of her. 

Her staring was interrupted when she heard a honk behind her. There was the red Porsche she was waiting for. She could see Kris at the front seat, looking at her questionably. 

"Well I got to go," Esmeralda said looking back at Dan. For a second, she was sure she saw sadness in his eyes. 

As she approached the passenger seat, she felt a presence behind her. It was Dan. 

"I'm coming with you," he replied as he opened the back door and gave Esmeralda a slight push to get in. This was surprising, but she decided not to say anything. Dan wasn't going to let her girlfriend get into this dude's car, she was hers. 

After the Porsche drove off, a shadow from the trees came out. Anthon had seen and heard everything. The jealously in his eyes and the strained face showed how much he had to bear seeing some other guy kissing his soulmate. His instinct was telling him to kill off the guy, but his mind knew it was Dan Sterling. What was keeping him sane, was that he knew that in the end Esmeralda would be his and her relationship with Dan was all part of a plan.

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