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Sakusa watched the weird stranger get back up again as they rub their cheek in pain

"OW?? WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" the stranger said as they shot a nasty glare at Sakusa.

"my apologies..i didn't mean to" he felt oddly guilty for raising his hand and slapping someone he just met

The stranger's body eases up and starts to speak in a soft tone
"whatever its fine. Why are you out here all alone anyways?? are you lost?" they said as they tilt there head with a smile

"no im not. plus i can ask the same thing!" sakusa quietly mumbled as he crossed his arms

"jee you sure are a quiet yet a scary one. TALKKK LOUDERRRR I CANT HEARR YOUUU"


"...okay yeah maybe i am lost myself. but to my surprise you dont dress the same way as everyone else! its like you got some sort of fancy wardrobe in your room" . the stranger continued to come closer to Sakusa, examining his fresh soft clean clothes to see if there were any.."valuables".

Sakusa realized he was wearing an odd bag, it seemed to be packed with items of god knows what. It looked funky, its not one he'd seen before
"Whats that satchel you're wearing sir?" he said as he pointed it out

"...its not a satchel- well kinda- but its a bag?.."

"That doesnt look like any bag.."

"Its a messenger bag?? Do you not know what a messenger bag is?!"

"Nope, first time ive seen and heard about it. Whats inside?"

The stranger immediately backed away a little and slid the bag to his side, almost hiding it away to his back

"Well there surely is something, that bag looks like its hiding Victoria's Secret!!" Sakusa looked back at the stranger with curiosity. Then something caught his eye, he looked behind the stranger to see people running towards him.

"I think people are looking for you sir! They've come to save you and bring you home! After all you did say you're lost"

The stranger quickly turned around and backs away, slowly getting a running start
"Oh boy no. I dont have friends in this kingdom. THEYRE NOT HERE TO SAVE ME BUT ANYWAYS IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU BUT I GOTTA GO"..and without a waste of another minute, the stranger had already turned and ran away into the darkness


sakusa immediately turned back to see where the stranger went but there was no trace of him. But when he turned back to the people, they seemed to be exhausted from too much running. He ran to them, wanting to help them
"Are you all alright??!"

"No..h-he stole some of our ore and money!! He even stole our food!!"

Sakusa was confused, that guy was too nice. He seemed too nice to do such a thing. Though it was already nighttime and he didnt want his people to run and search during night so he decided to turn them away, telling them to go back home

"Maybe you should leave it. Ill help you regain the money and ores you've lost but for now, please head home and rest. Its not good to tire yourselves out at night"

"Okay sir.."
And with that, they left. Sulking and walking back home to sleep for the night. Sakusa didn't know how to feel about what had happened. He was trying to figure it out until a guard grabbed him from behind and starts bringing back to the palace.

"There you are sir. We thought you went missing!! "

Sakusa was too tired to talk back. So he just let it happen, letting the guard escort him back to his room and leaving.
The only thinking that was in the prince's mind was about that thief. It was all he can think of before he finally shuts his eyes and went to sleep hours later.

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