Chapter 2: They know

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CW: homophobia

A/N: did I kind of forget I also posted this on Wattpad? Maybe, maybe I did. Do you guys get three chapter updates in one day though? Yes, yes you do :)

George sat nervously in his chair, waiting for his parents to say something. The silence and the stern looks from his parents were killing him. The brunette's mind also constantly slipped towards Sapnap, he hoped they were doing okay. After some servants had told him he was expected to attend a meeting with their parents, he'd sent his most loyal soldier Dream – who was also his best friend - to Sapnap, to bring him a letter. But Dream wasn't back yet, which made George worry.

George came back to reality when the king, his father, slammed his hands on the table. The prince looked at his father concerned, but that soon turned into fear. His father looked mad.

Really mad.


"How have you never done this?", Sapnap playfully laughed at the blonde, who tried to keep his balance while standing on a very slippery stone. The moment the soldier got his balance back, he crossed his arms and looked away, trying to seem mad.

"Come on Dream, there are only two jumps left!", Sapnap encouraged him. Dream shook his head but followed what the other said anyway, as he jumped towards the next stone. He looked into the younger man's eyes, silently asking if that was an okay jump. Sapnap smiled proudly at him which made the tallest relax again.

"How can someone find this fun to do, I hate this." Dream pouted while getting ready for the next jump.

"We both know that isn't true Dream," Sapnap said, while he helped the soldier by pulling him next to himself, so he was on the safe spot at the edge of the water. Dream just laughed and rolled his eyes, giving in.

"Alright, alright, I indeed loved doing that, it was fun," Sapnap did a little victory dance, "and what did you further plan to do?", Dream asked them, excited to do more fun stuff like this. The ravenette had to think about that question for a bit. Not because he forgot, but because he thought it might be awkward for them to do.

"Well, I had planned a romantic picnic by the lake", they explained eventually, while motioning their hand towards a place a bit further away from them. Dream's eyes followed their hand and his eyes lit up when he saw the place, "but that might be weird to do."

"Who cares, let's go!", Dream said, jumping up and down excitedly while shaking his hands a little bit. Only a few seconds later he realized that the ravenette might not want to do the picnic as bad as he did, and his voice turned serious. "But only as long as you want to, of course." Sapnap giggled at that, took Dream's hand in his own, and started running towards the picnic blanket. Dream smiled from behind his mask at the younger man.

Sapnap was cute.


Uncontrollable tears were streaming down George's face when he opened his bedroom door, the meeting with his parents didn't go well in the slightest. They'd found out he had a secret relationship with a man, and they were not happy about that. They withdrew the compromise they'd made with him a few days prior, and they were now forcing him to marry a girl they chose, so he could 'forget' about his boyfriend.

His parents were stupid. There was no way he could forget Sapnap. He could never forget how their smile made his heart warm up, how their touch set his skin on fire, how their voice could calm him down any second of the day, no matter the words that they spoke. Even if the prince was forced to marry a random princess, he was incredibly sure that he would never stop loving the ravenette, let alone forget about him.

George let out a deep sigh as he let himself fall backward onto his bed. He rubbed his hands across his face and let himself think for a bit. He wasn't allowed to go outside anymore, which meant that he couldn't see Sapnap. Luckily, Dream could bring his boyfriend messages from him, but he didn't want the ravenette to find out through a letter. He groaned out of frustration as he flipped himself over on his stomach. He knew he should've told his boyfriend sooner, but he was just too scared. Too scared he was going to leave him or think differently of him. And now he didn't know what to do anymore.


Dream smiled softly when Sapnap finished the last piece of bread they had with a smile. All the food was gone now and it was getting later and later. They had already seen the sunset -for as far as that was possible from in between the trees - and now they were waiting for it to get dark enough to see the stars.

"I think I see them!", Sapnap shouted excitedly, while pointing his finger up in the air. Dream now also looked up and let out a soft gasp at the beautiful sky above them. He let himself lay down and motioned at Sapnap to do the same.

They were now both lying down on the picnic blanket, looking at the sky and stargazing together. The cool wind was softly blowing around them and it was gently letting leaves fall out of the trees surrounding them, one of the leaves even landed right on top of them. Sapnap giggled while picking the leaf up and letting the wind take it with a gust, before pointing at the sky again, telling Dream about their favorite stars.

And Dream just listened. He listened to Sapnap talk, he listened to how his voice got slightly higher when he was happy, he listened to his excited voice when he talked about his favorite stars and he listened to him talking about how much he'd enjoyed spending this day with the other. Dream smiled, agreed with them, and then went back to being silent and listening. The blond actually loved this. Finally, for once in his life, nothing was expected of him. Nobody needed him for anything, nobody wanted him to do anything. He could just relax and let himself go. He felt safe here.


George turned himself over, for what felt to him like the hundredth time already. He wasn't able to rest, there was just so much on his mind to think about. He was trying to find a solution to all his problems, but he hadn't been able to find a single one so far.

His thoughts got interrupted when he heard a familiar knock pattern on his door, five soft knocks, two harder ones, and then one soft one again. George pulled himself out of his bed and opened the door, being greeted by the smiley mask of his favorite soldier Dream. The brunette tiredly let him in and sat down on his bed again. Dream took off his mask while walking into the room and George couldn't help but notice how happy he looked. The older man raised one of his eyebrows when the tallest made eye contact with him, silently asking what had happened that day that made him so happy. The blonde looked a bit confused at first, but soon got what the prince meant.

"I just had a really fun day." Dream said while sitting down on one of the chairs, a few feet away from the prince's bed.

"I thought you were going to deliver my message to Sapnap and then come back, where have you been? I was starting to get worried." The soldier couldn't help but smile softly at George's words, the other cared about him.

"Me and Sapnap have been hanging out," the older man looked very confused, "we're both your friends, so we wanted to get to know each other better! And besides that, Sapnap had already planned a lot of activities you two could do together, so it would just be sad to let him do them all on his own." George nodded in understanding at the other's words but was conflicted with his own emotions at the same time. He was happy that the two spent time together and got along with each other, but he still couldn't help but feel sad that his boyfriend had prepared a lot of things for the two of them to do, just for the brunette to not show up.

"Did they tell you that me and them were friends?", the brunette asked the blonde with curiosity, mainly to get his own thoughts to focus on something else.

"Uhm, no, I just kind of assumed that..." Dream said while furrowing his brows, now feeling doubtful of himself.

"Oh okay. Because we're not friends," now it was Dream's turn to be very confused, "he's my boyfriend."



Oh shit.

Marry you. Oh, and also you // DreamNotNapWhere stories live. Discover now