Our Venus

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              Auic held Peter's gaze, she had never seen him so furious. She knew that this might be going too far, and in all honesty, they had never held what happened against her. There was just a bunch of silence and crying in the beginning, there was a promise that Auic had made, and although they knew it would be hard, they hoped for it to work. But they have been accepting their fate far better than Auic.

                They spent a few seconds looking at each other. Peter looked at Auic with anger and disbelief, searching into her wooden colored eyes for some softness, looking for his friend that had lost herself in these insane ideas. Auic in return looked at Peter first with determination, and then she could see in them the same spark from before the accident. A spark she hadn't seen in years, a spark that in her mind was lost forever. And it was her fault. That thought made her break into tears. Peter tried to keep his anger, but that didn't last long. When Auic dropped to her knees, he flew down and landed on her shoulder.

-I failed you. I failed Venus. I took so much from you. I can't stop trying to make this right. - said Auic, weakly.

- Auic, it was an accident. We were imprudent, and it had consequences. We shared them. It's enough. this can't hang over our heads forever.

-I am just... so sorry, so sorry. If I can...

-No. No one else needs to get hurt. We are fine, we love you and we are so grateful that you are our friend, for all the dedication you showed us. It's enough.

              Auic agreed, slowly shaking her head up and down. She was feeling a little better now, but the guilt still bubbled inside her no matter what Peter said.

-Let's go outside, we kinda have guests. - Peter said, helping her to get up.

-Fine. - Said Auic, she cleaned her face while Peter left the room, and she followed him after one last look at her studies.

                In the kitchen Arcandor and Venus were having a lively conversation, completely unaware of what had been discussed in the room. Peter heard the end of the conversation and seamlessly threw a joke that made everybody laugh. Even Auic was able to show the tiniest smile.

-Ok then, I feel much better indeed. Now I shall keep my promise and go after your cheese, Peter. - Said Arcandor after a moment.

-Oh sure! To get to the village you will have to go south and then... - Peter started to give out instructions, but he was interrupted by Arcandor.

-The last time I tried to listen to those instructions I fell asleep. - he laughed. - I believe it would be easier if someone went with me, what do you say Auic?

           That got everyone by surprise. Peter and Auic shared a look. Peter was visibly worried since he had just found out about Auic's plan, and was not very keen on leaving them alone. They shared an intense stare until Auic finally said:

-Sure. I guess, just one second, I will grab my coat. Peter, can you help me here?

They left to the living room, and Peter expressed his concerns.

-What you said... gave me a lot to think about. I promise I won't hurt him today.


-Look, I promise he will come back with your cheese.

-That is NOT what I am worried about! - he whispered sharply.

-Fine, I promise he will be safe. And you know I keep my promises.

-I know, I know. - Answered Peter, deciding to trust his friend, one last time.

Auic put on her coat and called Arcandor, and they left into the forest.

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