Jealous Momo

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I wake up to see Momo's face inches away from mine.

"GAH!" I sit up so quickly that I end up knocking Momo off of me, I grab her hand before she can fall off the bed and pull her back up.

"Why are you doing this? One day, you could walk in here and I could be naked."

"Yeah, right. You'd still be asleep."

I hit her in the face with a pillow, she hits me back with it. 

"Good morning, Shoto."

Her innocent smile and bright eyes fill me with joy instantly. I lay back into the pillows and let her lie on me. 

"What do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know, a movie? We can go to the mall."

"Mall sounds good," Momo says, "And so does a movie. Let's get lunch there. I know a nice sushi place by the clothing store I go to."

"Do you never worry about money?" I gasp in surprise. She just bought me lunch two days ago.

"Well, no..." I can see her blushing, embarrassed.

I wrap her into a hug and then stand up. "Well, I'm going to go brush my teeth so I can kiss you," I chuckle.

"Yeah, you do that." She laughs.

She's making breakfast when I come back. 

"Arigato," I thank her.

"You're very welcome, Shoto! I love cooking, I guess I get it from my mother, she likes cooking too... hope you enjoy!" She giggles.

"Momo, you're an excellent cook!"

"Arigato, Shoto. You flatter me too much," she giggles. I can see her blushing, it causes me to smile as well.

"There's a movie at 1 that looks interesting," Momo says as she reads from her phone.

"Alright then," I say.

"Do you even care where we go, Shoto?" She laughs.

"Not really," I admit. "As long as I'm with you, I'm fine. Because you have good taste, Momo."

"I must," she says, "I'm with you."

With a smirk on my face, I get up from the table and corner her into the counter. I wrap my arms around her small waist.

"Why do you do this?" She chuckles.

"To mess with you," I admit.

Then I lean forward and hug her, caressing her silky hair and breathing in her flowery scent. I love Momo, I love her like nothing else in this whole wide world.


We're holding hands, getting popcorn. Out of the corner of my eye, I spy a pink haired girl with large bamboo earrings. Her hair is not pink like Ashido's is, instead hers is neon like a soda.

"One large popcorn please." I hear Shoto say.

Once we get the popcorn, we find seats near the front and walk over to there.

The neon haired girl sits right next to Shoto, which I hate. I snarl and I hope he didn't hear me, but then he turns to me and says, "What's up? You sound like a pissed cat."

"Um, nothing," I wave it off.

Throughout the whole movie, I see Shoto looking at the girl beside him. I wish he would just look at the screen and not her.

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