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Light could not help but be agitated. 

Here he was giving (Y/n) all of his attention and time, only for the boy to be sneaking around behind his back! For the past few weeks, the (h/c)ette had seemed in much more of a hurry to leave him. It irked Light-- burned him. 

Why would (Y/n) want him gone so bad? Just who was he seeing? Yes, Light had realized at the beginning of this strange habit that (Y/n) must have been going to meet with someone. His (Y/n) would never sneak around like that without outside influence. 

Well, whoever is making (Y/n) leave him would be in for a rude awakening. What? Did they really think Light would just let them take (Y/n) from him? Well, they were wrong.

And (Y/n)? Well..

"But I mean, I defiantly have the room for ducks. I'd need to dig them a little pond, but that shouldn't take too long" He considered. Yes, (Y/n) was contemplating the reasons why he should or should not get ducks, all the while completely oblivious to the spiral of negative thoughts that swirled in Light's head.

"Anyway, I gotta get going. That homework isn't gonna do itself" (Y/n) said, giving Light a quick side hug as they reached the end of the school's campus. Light gave him a confused look. "Homework?" They shared most of their classes and the only class that (Y/n) had without him was--

"You have homework for choir?" He asked, eyes narrowing at the poor excuse. (Y/n) gave a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I have to record myself sight reading" he explained, "You'd think they'd cut me some slack, being a senior 'n all, but nope. No rest for the weary as they say". 

(Y/n) took a few steps back, smiling and waving as he did so. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He chirped, speeding off before Light could say anything back. "Ouch" Ryuk teased with a laugh.

Light ignored him, too busy glaring disapprovingly in the direction (Y/n) went. 


(Y/n) woke to his phone going off. The semi-familiar setting of Nomi's room greeted him, illuminated by the sunlight that filtered through the curtains. 

He sat up, lazily stretching as much as his sore muscles would allow. Nomi himself stirred from his movements. "Hello?" He grumbled, still mostly asleep. (Y/n) patted his head and he muttered some more not-so coherent things before going back to sleep.

Once (Y/n) was able to find his phone, he was met with a call from Light that he had just missed. His eyes widened at the time. "Shit" He hissed, scrambling out of the bed. If his previous movements stirred Nomi, practically launching himself from the mattress left him wide awake. A startled noise came from the black haired male as he watched the other scramble to gather his things. 

"I'm late and I told my friend I'd walk him to school" He explained, haphazardly throwing on his uniform. He could care less about the tie. He would simply tie it on his way. "I can drive you if you want" Nomi offered. (Y/n) shook his head almost immediately. "My friend would lose his mind if he found me driving to school with someone he didn't know. I love the guy but it doesn't take much to get him worried".

Nomi met him at the door and pressed a quick kiss on (Y/n)'s lips. "Bye, Nomi!" He chirped before darting out of the apartment. 

He ran the whole way to Light's house and by the time he got there, he was met with a beyond annoyed Light. "Okay, before you say anything, I'm sorry. I overslept" He apologized. Light's gaze hardened and a scowl etched it's way onto his face. Without saying a word, he disappeared into his house. 

Awww... Light's mad. (Y/n) allowed a flicker of a smile to break through his 'confused' expression before quickly covering it back up again once Light emerged from his house. What he admittedly had not been expecting was for the brunette to throw a tan scarf at him.

(Y/n)'s frown was real that time. Shit. He brought a hand up to his neck. I told that asshole not to leave marks! He was quick to tie the scarf around his neck, muttering a quiet 'thanks' as he did so. 

The two walked in silence for a long while. They had almost gotten to school before Light broke said silence. "So who was it?" He asked. His voice sounded level, but (Y/n) knew better. Taking one glance into Light's eyes revealed a storm of anger and jealousy that threatened to show itself in his voice.

(Y/n)'s face went red and he let out a nervous laugh. "Erm... You don't know him" He said, "Arata Nomi". 

"Does he not go to our school?" Light asked. "I mean, he used to, but he graduated" (Y/n) responded, "Why do you ask?" "What? I can't know my best friend's.. boyfriend?" Light seemed to visibly cringe when he said 'boyfriend', "can I see a picture of him or something?"

Rule number one of killing people: Maybe don't have a picture of them readily available. Nothing like a picture with a soon-to-be corpse to give yourself away. "I don't have one" He shrugged, "But who knows? Maybe if you ask nice enough I'll introduce you two". 

Light was quiet the rest of the way to school. He stole some not-so subtle glances towards (Y/n) neck, but never said anything about it. However, anyone with eyes could tell it bothered him.


For once, one of (Y/n)'s surprised faces was not an act. Quite possibly the last thing he expected to find outside of school was Nomi. The boy had a grin on his face and was leaned against an old truck. He waved (Y/n) over and the (h/c)ette glanced behind himself.

 Light had just left the building and had yet to see him-- seemingly caught up in his own thoughts. (Y/n) took the opportunity. He speed walked over to Nomi, giving him a confused look.  Nomi simply shrugged at his confusion and brought him into a quick hug. "Hey, I said I went to this school" He said, "And besides. I figured you would want a ride". He stepped away, releasing (Y/n) from the hug.

The smile on (Y/n)'s face did not match his true feelings. "Well, I certainly wasn't expecting it" he admitted with a laugh, "But I--"

"(L/n)?" Light's feigned surprise was far less believable than (Y/n)'s. He made a mental note to help the poor boy at some point. Or maybe it was because the two spent too much time together for him to be effected by the pretend tone?

(Y/n) turned to Light, giving him a smile. "Hey, Yagami" He greeted. The few times they got mad at each other when they were little, they would use last names instead of first names or nicknames. 

Nomi smiled at Light with the I'm-fucking-your-friend-so-please-like-me-so-I-can-continue-to-do-so smile. "Hey" He greeted, "You must be Light. I'm Nomi". Light did not share his smile. "Nomi Arata?" Was the only thing Light said in response. 

The ravenette nodded at this, seemingly pleased by the recognition. The two fell into silence that was filled by a one-sided tension. Light's obvious and immediate dislike for Nomi did not go unrecognized by the other. (Y/n), on the other hand, was quite enjoying the silent show. 

"I'm sorry, Light, but I told Nomi I'd ride home with him" He apologized, a sheepish smile adorning his face, "But I promise I'll walk home with you tomorrow, okay?"

Light covered his anger with a smile. "Well, if you promise" he said, turning on his heels, "I'll see you tomorrow, (L/n)".

Nomi let out a nervous laugh once Light was out of earshot. "I don't think he likes me too much" He admitted. (Y/n) sighed. "He doesn't like a lot of people" He said, "But don't worry about him. Once he gets to know you, he'll love you" Or he'll hate you more. He'll probably hate you more. Good thing you'll never meet again. 

"Anyway, you wanna go to my place?" (Y/n) asked, his expression adorning a sweet smile. Nomi smiled back and nodded. "Why, of course" He said. He opened the passenger door and bowed, "Here you are, my good sir".

(Y/n) bowed back, "Well, thank you, dear sir". And with that, the two were off. (Y/n)'s smile turned into a genuine one, but for all the wrong reasons. Unbeknownst to Nomi, not only was he driving right up to a his own trap, he set it himself. 

And (Y/n) was beyond thrilled to get to see it snap. 

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