🌧Saiki K🌧

761 44 11

Soulmate AU:
Soulmates can read each others thoughts; Saiki doesn't believe he has a soulmate because he is psychic and can read everyone's thoughts. He is dead wrong.

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When Saiki Kusuo was old enough for the talk, he had already seen it coming. He was five years old, sitting stoic before his parents who seemed overly excited. They told him the things he had already heard from tens of dozens of other people already. The topic the young boy dreaded. The one thing that downed his spirits more then anything.


The story most parents quote goes something like, "A soulmate is the other half to your soul, the person that makes you whole. You're mind, heart, and soul are halves of the same love. Connected through a way of speaking just between the two counterparts."

So on and so forth, boring, blah blah. Kusuo always hated how the original poem had been translated through so many different languages that the modern version of it sounds so textbook. It gave no life to the weight of a soulmate's bond.

Your soulmate can never be apart from you because you're hearts beat in tandem from the moment you're born. No matter how removed you may be, by distance or time apart, fate will always tug your hearts closer. You're soulmate, no matter whether platonic or romantic, will be the perfect match for your needs. A love so divine it outshines all other passions.

Everyone has a second half. Everyone has a great love waiting out there for them. A love that will come just when it's needed the most.

The only for sure way of knowing it's them, it's your soulmate, is through the eyes. 'The eyes are the windows to the soul'. So it makes sense that your soulmate will be able to see through that window.

Simply put: your first look into your soulmates eyes will allow the you to see into each other's hearts and minds.

Why does this bring little Saiki Kusuo down? He's psychic, he can read everyone's minds. The poor boy grew up with the firm belief that his powers broke his soulmate connection. So instead of hearing his soulmate's thoughts, he's stuck hearing everyone else's. Soon enough he grew older, now knowing without a doubt he was wrong; he just simply doesn't have a soulmate.


Just another day. Day in day out, same shit. Saiki was growing tired of this life. Powers that he didn't want, friends he didn't ask for, and stress weighing him down.

Don't get him wrong, he appreciated Nendou and Kaidou with everything in him. Without them insisting on hanging out with him, Saiki would only really have his parents. Even so, to put it bluntly, he was depressed. He loved his parents so much, but sometimes he felt the bond between them was textbook; they only loved each other because that's what family is supposed to do. And as nice as the guys were, their friendship was nothing more than a chore at best.

Saiki was well aware that it was all self-sabotage! He was a lonely boy who grew up alone, and now he doesn't know how to change it and has no motivation to try. It was a pathetic cycle he was stuck in.

Nothing ever changed.

Well except for the first new kid his school has had in two years. He was all anyone was thinking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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