tim stützle | ottawa senators

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Inspired by: Call It What You Want by Taylor Swift

     Many wrong decisions had been made in my life, but moving to Ottawa was the first right one. A new career opportunity there had given me the chance for a fresh start and I was eager to learn all about my new home. After my first day of work, I decided to go home, change, and explore. While I was walking around, I came across Canadian Tire Centre, and decided to take a picture to send to my family back home.

     As I was taking a picture, a bunch of men started filing out of the arena and I was noticed by a couple of them. They left their group and started walking over to me. I slowly lowered my phone as they walked over. "Hey." "Hey?" "Whatcha doing over here?" "Taking a picture." "Well, I can see that." "I just moved here, so I'm taking a picture to send to my family back home." "Oh. Where you from?" "Michigan. Moved here for work." "Damn, that's far. Anyways I'm Brady and this is Tim." He points to the guy next to him that hadn't talked at all. "Nice to meet you two. I'm

     I was about ready to continue my exploring before Brady called me back. "Tim and I are both free today, do you want us to be like your tour guide around here?" "Really? That would be great. I have no idea where I'm going." I waited for them to put their bags in their car and then they headed back over my way. "Okay, let's go." Brady led the way and Tim just stayed behind, not talking.

     After a little while, Brady suggested we stop to get something to eat at one of his favorite restaurants. I ended up sitting next to Tim because Brady took up the whole other side of the booth. Brady got up to use the restroom so I took that as my opportunity to talk to Tim.

     "Hey, you haven't talked at all, you okay?" "Yeah, just don't have great English." "Oh, I see. Where are you from?" "Germany." "Oh that's cool! There's no need to be worried about your English, it sounds great to me." "Really?" "Yeah. Your accent is cute too." I saw him blush and when Brady finally made his way back, Tim was much more included in the conversations.

     We finished eating and Brady spoke. "We'll I have to go, but maybe Tim could walk you back." "Yeah, I can do that." "Thank you." Tim and I parted ways with Brady and he walked me back to the apartment complex I was staying at. We maintained a conversation, with me asking him about Germany and him asking me about growing up in the United States.

     Next thing I knew, we had arrived in front of my apartment complex. "Whelp, this is me. Thank you again for walking me back." "Yep." He stopped me before I could walk into my apartment. "Hey, before you leave, can I get your phone number?" This time he was the one making me blush. "Of course." He handed me his phone and I typed my number in. "Okay, bye." "Bye Tim."

     By the time I made it into my apartment, I had a text from an unknown number, otherwise known as Tim. 'Hey it's Tim. Let me know a night when you're free and you could come to one of my games?' One of his games? And then I realized. The reason they came out of the arena must be that they actually play for the hockey team. I'm an idiot. Before I responded, I looked up the Ottawa Senators roster, and sure enough, there they were. Brady Tkachuk, #7, and Tim Stützle, #18.

     I responded with 'I'd love to! I'm free all this week.' He texted me back saying that he'd get me a ticket for the game tomorrow night and that he was excited to have me there.

     The next night I got ready with a plain outfit on, because I obviously didn't have any Senators merchandise to wear. I'd done some research and found out that they would be playing the Detroit Red Wings, which just so happened to be my hometown team.

     I got there early and was waiting in line to get in when Tim texted me. 'You here yet?' 'Waiting to get in right now.' He told me that he had something for me and to meet him by the locker rooms. Wasn't the ticket already enough? Nevertheless, I got in and found my way to the locker rooms. 'I'm here' 'Coming'

     A minute later and I was met with Tim, half dressed in his hockey gear. "Tim, you didn't have to get me anything, the ticket was enough." "I wanted to." He pulled something from behind his back and I unfolded it to find a vintage-looking Senators sweatshirt. "You wore a vintage shirt yesterday, and I figured you didn't have any Senators stuff so I found this." I pulled him into a hug, not even thinking twice. Holy cow, he smelled good. "Thank you Tim! That's so sweet." I handed him the sweatshirt while I took off the one I was wearing so I could put the new one on.

     "What do you think?" "I think it looks great, especially on you." I laugh. "Hey, I wanted to ask you. Do you want to go out after the game?" He looked visibly nervous. "Like a date?" That made him all fidgety. "I mean... If you want it to be..." "I'd love to." "Really?" "Yes. Now you go get ready for your game and go kill the Red Wings so that I can go on a date with the cutest Senator." He laughs and hugs me again before walking back to the locker room.

     I make my way to my seat and as I get there, the Senators make their way to the ice and I take a few pictures to send to my friends and family before putting my phone away and enjoying the game.

     Later that night, we went on our first date and the rest is history.

     A year later and we were on a nice date for our anniversary when Tim pulled a small box out from his pocket and hands it to me. "Tim, you didn't have to get me anything." "Just open it." I open the box to find a necklace with a T on it. "Oh wow, Tim. I love it!" "I'm glad. Happy anniversary, baby." "Happy anniversary, Tim."

     The next day, I was on the phone with my parents, talking about how I had finally made a right decision. "I know I make the same mistakes every time, but at least I did one thing right."
1140 words

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