| · - Deep trouble - · |

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" Hearing what , exactly ? "

Turning around , the Blue haired male smiley responds .

" Hearing how you can't mind your own buisness, Brother . "

 ─┉─ • ─┉─

[ Name ] was quite shocked , looking over Kaeya's hair at the newly-introduced figure .

His red hair was quite the catch , sticking out in their sight .

" Why do you have a cat ? " The red-haired man pointed out , almost disgustingly and accusingly pointing a finger at the cat hurled over his shoulder .

" I don't mean any harm , this is my cat . " The man replied ... blinking - winking?- his eyes- eye .

" I refuse to believe that you own a cat . Give it to me , I shall find the owner . "

Kaeya seems to spare a glance at me , before turning to Diluc .

" Sure , but if you can't find the owner by tomorrow night , then give the cat back . "

" I will consider it , depending on the result . "

Kaeya continued to hold me out , before i was carefully taken into someone's arms , against their chest .

" Does .. it have a name ? "

Kaeya began to think , before a lightbulb went off .

" The cat's name is Motherfucker .  "

"What ."

" Did I stutter ? The cat's name is moth- "

What .

[Name] Let off a loud hiss , before looking up at Diluc .

" See , even the cat doesn't like the name . I shall change it while they stay with me . "

" What- No you can't ! - "

Diluc was already walking away from Kaeya in the middle of his sentence .

This plan was all going perfectly . I could grab some clothes from Diluc , then I shall be free .

" You can talk , you know . I overheard you and Kaeya . "

Shit .

The cat just acted like they didn't hear Diluc , before hearing a sigh .

" I must have also been mistaken . "

Reaching the Winery , Adelinde was happily standing near the door .

" Welcome home Master Diluc ! "

I quickly jumped out of his arms , before beginning to climb upstairs . 

" The cat shall be staying in my room for a few days . " Diluc sighed , before beginning to climb the stairs after [Name.]

" Very well , that shall be arranged . " Adelinde nodded , before going to attend her own duties .

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