Chapter 2: Forging Bonds

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"Don't you ever get tired?!" the blue-haired boy said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Not when you get on my nerves, Cyclone," the pursuer sighed. "At this point, I can't even remember why I started kicking you in the first place. Why didn't you tell me you were coming here?"

"How was I supposed to know you were coming here, Mary?" Cyclone asked. "You kinda need good grades to be accepted here."

Mary gave her friend a glare and dropped her bags before kicking him in the shin.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Cyclone asked, grabbing hold of his leg.

"For insulting my intelligence," said Mary. "Also, last I checked, I passed more tests than you."

"Whatever. Because of you, I have to walk across the campus to find my dorm."

"Serves you right. Now if you excuse me, I have to go find my dorm. See you later, Cyclone." Mary took hold of her bags and walked off, leaving Cyclone in the middle of campus.

Alone and in slight pain, Cyclone grabbed his bags and began to wander around the campus. He didn't have a chance to explore the campus prior, so this was as good a time as any to go on an adventure. Cyclone took the time to see the main school building where he would soon be going for classes. One building Cyclone did not have a chance to visit was the library, which was closed temporarily for an investigation.

"I hope the library opens up soon, just in case I need a book for class," a girl randomly said next to Cyclone.

"Umm... Yeah? Me too?" Cyclone hesitantly replied.

"My name's Samantha. People usually try to call me Sam, but I tell them to just call me by my full name. Much simpler that way, cause you never know when there might be another person named Sam or maybe someone named Samuel who goes by Sam. Best to avoid all that confusion. By the way, what's your name?"

Cyclone could see the energy in this girl's hazel eyes and her big smile. He noticed that, like him, Samantha still had all of her luggage on her.

"My name is Cyclone. Are you a sixth grader like me?"

"Oh! You're a newbie here, too? That's awesome! What school did you graduate from? How old are you? Did you get your class schedule? Which way are the dorms? Are we now friends? Do you think we'll be in the same class?" Samantha bombarded Cyclone with questions of all kinds, making him question why he participated in the conversation in the first place.

"I think I should keep looking for my dorm," Cyclone said, trying to back out of the conversation.

"We can look together!" Samantha excitedly ran ahead, leaving Cyclone behind. "I overheard some 7th graders saying that the dorm buildings are somewhere near the drop off area. If we hurry we can make it in time for orientation later!"

"Orientation? Wait! What time is the orientation?" Cyclone was now running to keep up with his new acquaintance.

"It's sometime around noon over at the main school building. Keep up!" Samantha said as she continued to run backward.

"Sam watch out!"

"I told you not to call me Sam! It's confusing if-" Samantha proceeded to trip and fall into the fountain directly in front of the library.

"Are you okay?!" Cyclone asked as he hurried to the side of the fountain.

"I'm good! I've been walking around all morning so this feels nice," Samantha said. "You can go on and find your dorm, I'm gonna stay out here for a bit."

"Ummm, alright. See you around." Cyclone took the opportunity and walked off in search of his room.

Samantha waited for Cyclone to leave before picking herself up, squeezing the water out of her blond hair, and pulling her belongings out of the fountain. Despite being soaked with water Samantha still had a smile on her face about the day. To her surprise, she spotted three shining stones at the bottom of the fountain. Naturally curious, Samantha grabbed the rocks and put them in her pocket

After drying off slightly, Samantha entered the nearby building in search of her room. As soon as she found the room number, she burst through the door.

"Hello, roommates!" Samantha cheerfully yelled. Mary and Summer looked at her with surprised and confused looks on their faces.

"Umm, hi?" Summer said. "I take it you're the other roommate we've been waiting for. I'm Summer."

"And I'm Mary. What happened to you? You're soaking wet."

"I kinda fell into the school fountain. It was a bit relaxing. It's really hot today," Samantha said.

"Well, after you dry off feel free to unpack your things," said Mary. "I hope you don't mind but Summer and I already picked out our beds. Yours will be on the top bunk."

"Top bunk?! Yes! I always wanted a bunk bed. My parents wouldn't get me one just because I'm an only child. Which, when you think about it, makes sense."

"Anyway, once you finish unpacking how about the three of us go outside and explore the campus some more?" Mary suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Summer said.

"Why wait for the unpacking? Let's go now!" Samantha dropped her bags, grabbed her roommates and dragged them out of the room.

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