Chapter 10: Pawns

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"Are you okay?" Obsidian whispered.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Summer said. "Where are we?"

"Keep your voice down. We're one building away. They could still find us."

"What do we do now?" Mary appeared next to them, hiding just the same.

"Can't you just teleport us out of here?" Summer asked Obsidian.

"Not really."

"Well can't you teleport one of us out of here and come back for the other?" Mary asked.

"Umm... No."

"Can you even teleport?!" Mary's whisper was on the border between calm and yelling.

"What kind of question is that?" Summer commented. "Of course he can."

"I can't teleport," Obsidian confessed.

"What?!" Summer yelled.

"We need to go." Obsidian abruptly got up and ran off. Mary and Summer had no choice but to follow.

"I told you we can't trust him," Mary said.

"Okay okay... Before we jump to conclusions we should talk things out first," Summer replied.

"This is where we must part ways," Obsidian said when he came to a stop.

"Hold up. You are not just gonna drop us off and leave after all that's happened," Mary angrily said. "I want answers."

"Until we meet again." Obsidian sent his regards. Summer and Mary stared at him, furious and confused. Samantha interrupted the moment by zooming in and carrying her friends back to their room.

"What was that for?!" Mary yelled.

"Sorryaboutthat!ObsidiantoldmetotakeyouguysbacktothedormassoonasIsawyouguys!" Samantha said, her body vibrating from the power she had copied.

"Samantha, slow down," Summer said.

"Okay okay... Obsidian told me to take you guys back to the dorm as soon as I saw you guys. Which was a bit weird that he was with you guys when I had just seen him at the old parking garage."

"He was with us the whole time. Something doesn't add up," Mary said.

"We should call it a night and go to sleep," Summer suggested. "We'll look for Obsidian tomorrow and ask him everything we need to ask."

Mary shrugged and willfully laid back in her bed. Samantha didn't have to say anything, for she immediately flopped onto her bed and fell asleep instantly. Summer retired to her bed, her mind racing with all kinds of thoughts. Hours drifted by before she finally fell asleep.

When the girls awoke the next day, they realized they had drastically slept in. Noon had just passed them by, and the girls woke to the sound of a knock at their door.

"Coming," Mary groaned as she approached the door.

"Where have you girls been?" Cyclone said, standing at the door. Mary instinctively slammed the door in her friend's face and went back to bed.

"Who was it?" Samantha asked.

"No one important," Mary answered.

Tired and hungry, Summer got up and opened the door for Cyclone before returning to her bed. Cyclone hesitantly entered the room, noticing the condition of his friends.

"What happened? You all look defeated."

"Obsidian brought us to a fight. A whole group of students have Aura Crystals," Samantha said. "They were a bit too strong for us."

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