Seeds Of The Past

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Hello everyone, I'm still working on Loki And The Glorious Second Chance so for now enjoy this awesome Star Wars one shot. An introductory to this au is that its basically where Din is the son of a former jedi and a Mandalorian Clan Leader. He was left with his Aunt and Uncle on Aq Vetina due to the struggles Kha was having due to Death Watchs take over of Mandalore. The Children Of The Watch took him not just to save his life but as revenge against Kha for refusing to side with them and instead support Satine.
Each story in this Au will have Din reunite with his parents and allow him to have a family that actually cares about unlike the stupid Armour who he needs to ditch. This one shot is a preview of an alternate Mando Season 3 I'm hopefully going to do some time down the line. In this timeline Gorgu is still with Luke as seeing that reunion happen so fast not to mention rushed in Book Of Boba Fett angered me. They deserve a better reunion.
That being said my first fanfic with this au will be an alternate season 2 where Din meets his sister Zhia who has been searching for him.
For now though I am always looking to develop and grow as a writer so any feedback it well appreciated.
Din sighed as his ship jumped into hyper space. This new piece of junk was nothing like the razor crest and he honestly regretted buying it. Note to self take Peli's advice on what makes a good ship. He was close to Mandalore but the problem was there was a huge blockade surrounding it, seeing this made him understand why Kryze desperately wanted to get the darksaber back. He was no King and no Mandalorian. Without the kid, the covert or what was left of the covert was the only thing he had left. He had to rectify the mistake he had made in a moment of weakness.

"Ok ok this should be easy to make my way round."

He said muttering to himself. The words Ashoka had told him still stung. Part of him wanted to lecture the Jedi about their code but that would make him a hypocrite. The plan was simple sneak onto the planet undetected by the imperial remnants and do the ceremony that would rectify his huge mistake. Sure their were no witnesses but at least he could report back to the armor and get the help he most desperately needed. His time helping out Boba Fett still bothered him heavily, he had some how managed to put a gigantic creature to sleep. He didn't want to believe he was a wizard like the kid as he'd never really shown any signs but Tatooine changed that. If he was a rational person he would go to Skywalker for answers but his little chat with Ashoka had made him realise that the kids with the Jedi now and both of them don't want him anywhere near Grogu for the kids own good.

Shaking himself out of his many thoughts he took a look at the blockade and had a feeling peaceful negotiations would be alot better of idea than to impulsively land on the planet without explaining what he was doing there. Din groaned impatiently waiting for at least one ship to sense his present and ask him what he was doing. At least the new republic had been more on it. Eventually the comms on his new ship started to beep.

"This is the empire, unknown ship please identity yourself!"

"Despite my type of ship I can assure you I'm not with the republic. I'm just here to visit the waters and then I'll be out of your hair. I don't work for anyone, I only work for myself."

The comms stayed silent for a bit but seeing the blockade move to allow a pathway told Din all he needed to know. He finally got a response as he went through the blockade.

"Alright permission for you to be here has been granted but if you do anything funny the empire will come after you, understand?"


"Good, safe travels. Over and out."

Din carefully flew his new piece of junk that he had to call his ship and landed on Mandalore. Once out of his ship he quickly walked to the waters without hesitation. With the darksaber being the only weapon clipped to his belt he prepared to go down into the river to rectify his mistake and become Mandalorian once more. Just as he was about to walk further into the water a voice stopped him.

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