7. One Too Many Discoveries

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Daniel's pov...

The day I was suppose to go to Keiths house was cancelled, by me, because I figured we wouldn't have anything to do, nor would we know what to talk about. We've only just become friends, having a sleepover already is kinda pushing it, for me at least. I know how bad my communication skills are, and until i've worked a little bit more on them, i'm just not ready to spend the night at his house. I feel so bad, it's Monday now and i'm going to go apologize to him for cancelling our plans, I know he was probably just trying to get closer to me, but I ruined everything.

Seeing Keith walking down the halls for once with his friend, I was about to go and talk with them, before my shoulder was suddenly yanked, my back pressing against my locker aggressively. Opening my eyes, I see Alvin, the one person I was trying to avoid today. I know it's wrong, and I should own up to my mistakes, but I have no idea what to say! Knowing Alvin, he'll probably try to pressure me into saying something, but that won't work, it'll only end up scaring me off.

"Alvin, I see your freckles have come back, how nice!" I said, striving to keep the topic off of Leo and everything that went down. I don't even want to know what happened between them, if it was anything bad, then I don't know if I could handle the responsibility being dumped onto me, and having to go my whole life knowing I ruined their chances of getting together. If Alvin even liked Leo in the first place. Sure, I teased him about it, but he did try telling me he didn't like Leo.

"Thank you so much cousin!" Alvin's facial expression changes from the glare he was holding, to a gentle smile. He pulls me into a hug, squeezing me tightly while patting my back roughly, and just as he started hugging me, I see Keith walking by. All the time and thought I put into this apology, just for him to walk right by? Time fucking wasted.

Hugging him back, I chuckle a little. "What are we thanking me for exactly? If anything, you should be punching me." I suggest, already mentally and physically preparing myself for Alvin's punch.

"No, why would I punch you for me and Leo getting together?" he questions, and my eyes widen in surprise as Alvin bursts out laughing, most likely making fun of my expression. As Alvin lets go of me, I punch his shoulder with a wide grin on my face. "That's amazing Alvin! I knew you were gay this whole time." I say, as Alvin rubs on his arm that was apparently hurting. He had to have been faking, i'm as weak as weak will get. A punch from me should feel like a tap, if possible, even more light than that.

"I already knew I was gay Danny, I just didn't want you to find out." Alvin said, and I place a hand on my heart, stumbling back a little to be dramatic. This is how I want to be with Keith, I want to be able to joke around with him and be playful, but we're not at that stage yet, and I wish more than anything that we could be.

"That hurts, Alvin. I thought I was your favorite cousin." I said, being somewhat hurt by Alvin's words. I'm not making it seem like that, instead i'm joking around with him, but that doesn't mean his words didn't hit a little hard.

"Pfft, who ever told you that? Liam's my favorite, he understands me." Alvin says, the stagger going deeper and deeper into my chest with each word he says. "Well! W-well..Alex is my favorite cousin then!" I fight back, not allowing Alvin to see my vulnerable point. Alex was another one of our cousins, but we don't see him much because he lives far away, same with half of our other cousins. My dad and his sister didn't have the best relationship, so she doesn't come down to visit us often, and her kids aren't old enough to make the decision to come to Philadelphia and see us.

"Why are you trying to lie to me? No need to take it personal Danny, I can still be your faves." Alvin said, smirking as if he already knew what he was saying was bothering me.

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