13. Give Me Time!

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Daniel's pov...

It's been a whole month since Keith's confession, and to tell you guys the truth, I haven't thought about it much. I don't actually need this much time to think about a answer, I been knew what I was going to say the day after he confessed to me. I'm going to say yes, but I wanted a little more time dedicated to being single before getting into a relationship, besides, what's the rush? We're both still so young and i'm just now getting my life together. I know i've been single since forever, but during those six years, I never even though about dating, which is why I needed this time. I'm planning to tell Keith soon, I just have to think of the appropriate time and place.

I was walking to the bus stop, when someone suddenly grabs my shoulders, startling me as I jump a little. When I turn around, I see Alvin staring at me with a knowing smirk, causing me to flip him off and hold it directly in front of his eyes, to make sure he saw. Alvin usually doesn't take the bus, but he told me two days ago that his mom over heard him talking to Leo about how I have to take the bus, while he gets the luxuries of taking a nice car with AC. So for that, his mom thought he should experience how it feels to take the bus for three weeks.

"Will you stop sneaking up on me every single living day? It's too damn early in the morning." I muttered, groaning as I lay my head on Alvin's shoulder. He makes a sound as if he's about to throw up, but I know he won't push me away.

"Not my fault you weren't born an early bird. You need to stop going to bed at eleven on a school night, you don't want dark circles to appear on your pretty face do you?" Alvin said.

"When have I ever cared about how I look? Let them come for all I freaking care." I said with a sigh, running a hand throw my hair.

"Ummm...you use to text me once every few months for years, and you know what every single one of those texts were about? Your god damn face and how you wanted to be muscular." Alvin says, shivers going down his body like it was a bad memory. I do admit, I did use to ramble to just about every one I knew about how I badly wanted a different body and face. I didn't have a phone until this previous year, but I don't remember quite what I used to text to all those people. With all the years of jumbled up pieces of advice, I realized not long ago that if I wanted a different body, that I should've worked for it. Seeing all these high schoolers who have abs made me come to this conclusions.

"Whatever, i'm too tired to argue. Also, thanks for calling me pretty but I would prefer to be called handsome." I said, walking away from Alvin. When peeking back, I see him sneering at me which was a bit staggering for me, because I was sure, one hundred percent positive that he'd be looking at me with disgust, since Alvin has always been one to pretend like he doesn't appreciate peoples thankfulness, but in reality, his head is spinning with felicity.

After a few minutes of standing and looking at nature with my arms crossed, I started feeling lonely without Alvin, so as I was approaching him...I see a group of guys surrounding him, which alarmed me immediately. Alvin's always smiling around just about anyone he's on good terms with, and if he's not, that means he's in a bad mood, but he was just happy a few minutes ago.

When making it over there, I tap on one of the guys shoulders, swallowing back my nervousness. I tried to contain it, but their so much taller than me and could probably beat me up until my skin becomes one with the concrete. "Excuse me, may I know exactly what you guys are doing to my cousin?" I boldly say, staring up at him as he raises one eyebrow.

"We're just talking to him? What's your problem." The guy said, but I wasn't taking any of his bullshit, he's not a very good liar. Seeing how he gets scared when seeing me, he must be one of those people who don't want to do this, but want to fit in with the wrong group.

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