claus x peter [3/4]

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-Claus's pov-

I wake up. Oh my God! Was it all a dream?! I look at my phone. Nope. It was real.. I must have passed out. It's 2 am? And I'm not tired. Great. I can't take this... Ill just.. go to the store, and buy a rope. Yeah, that will work! Great. So it's a plan. Yay! Woo-hoo! I stand up, and shove on my shoes. I walk outside the hotel and go to the street side. "That would be easier.. but, no, to messy." I mumble to myself. I call a uber and get in the back seat of the car.

The uber was stareing at me through the mirror. "What." I said dryly. "How's your day been?" He says in a friendly, slightly professional tone. "Bad." I said. "Why are you going to the store at 2 am?" He said, still trying to start small talk. I mean it is kinda concerning why I'm going to the hardware store at 2 am. "I'm buying rope. None of your business why." I said. The uner driver knew exactly why, but decided not to sat anything. When we got to the store I stepped out, and threw money at his face. I walked into the store and stared at the ropes. Which one would be strong enough to hold 160 pounds.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around to see.. low n behold.. melody. Great. Just GREAT. wait why the fuck is she here- "claus?" She says. I hit her hand away from my shoulder. "What the fuck do you want. Bitch." I said, angrily. "Why are you looking at ropes. At 2 am." She said, her eyes full of concern. "Why do you care." I say, still with a dry, angry tone. "Because your my friend?" She said and put her hand back on my shoulder. I grabbed her tightly by the wrist. "When you blocked me? Oh yeah, were BEST FRIENDS." I release her wrist and she rubbs it in pain. "I'm sorry claus, I didn't have a choice! Andy forced me to! Just please, don't do this! This isn't the answer!" Melody begged, starting to get more and more desperate. "You had a choice." I said, as I grabbed a rope that supported 200 pounds and over.

I walked to the cash register and threw the rope down. The worker stared at me then checked the rope. "20 dollars.." He said. I gave him 20 dollars, took the rope, and left. He watched me go in concern. I heard melody begging me to respond to her from behind me but I ignored her. I called a uber agein, and as I waited, I stared into the distance, watching melody in the corner of my eye. She tried taking the rope from my hands but my grip was to tight. She cried, begging me not to do this but I didn't even change my expression.

When the uber got there I got in. It was the same uber as before. "CLAUS, NO!" She screamed. The driver locked melody out of the car and quickly drove away, without another word. The drive home was quiet. Not a word. I got out of the car and walked in the hotel. I walk to my room and stare at the rope in my hands for a good 4 minutes. What am I doing. This is wrong, I can't do this.

No. I can.

I take the rope out of the packaging and I tie it to the ceiling. I grab a chair from the dining room and stand on it, as I tie the rope around my neck. Thoughts spinning through my head. Feelings of regret. And anger. I tie the rope tighter and start to loose breath because of how tight it is. I stand there, scared. What's gonna happen..? It doesn't matter. Just.. jump.

I feel someone grab my waist. And take the rope off my neck. I could hear their soft cries. Small yet rough hands. Not melodys, her hands are soft. Not Margaret's, hers are big. Not Felix, his are webbed. It was andy. He pulled me off the chair and hugged me, not saying a word. He cried into my shoulder, his tears soaking into my shirt. And his shakeing. "Melody told me." He mumbled, with a shakey voice. "Please.. dont..." He whispered, and hugged me tighter.

I sighed, and hugged him back. "It's ok.. I won't." I mumbled. He backed up a little to look me in the eyes. "Why would you do that? You scared me so much!" There were tears in his eyes still. "Your all I have. If I loose you... I loose everything." I said. Andy stared at me. "I'll listen to you explain now." He said. I smiled weakly and nodded. I backed up and sat on my bed. Andy sat next to me. I'm so glad the others didn't come with him. I would have actually done it.

"Ok.. well... when I went into the barn, I saw some figures, and they were chasing me! So I ran into that room with the lantern, and peter was there. He comforted me, and he told me how- he never meant to scare you or hurt you. He just wanted to help you. And, then he offered me to go to his room- and he offered me tea. And you know me, I can't resist tea! So I went with him, and we watched a show. And then we cuddled- without saying anything, I didn't really think anything of it! Then when a few episodes were over, I said I had to go- but he asked me to spend the night because it was already late. So I did! And- then- well- he kissed me. Idk why but- i liked it.. and- then in the morning- I got my stuff and left- then, i ran into you on the way back! And I didn't want you to be mad.. so- I lied. I'm sorry. But then, when I got home, peter came, and asked if we could continue the show. And I said yes. I-i didn't even expect to make out with him like that. I'm so sorry."

Andy just stared at me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that. I over reacted a little bit. I'm sorry." Andy said. "No, you didn't over react! Anyone would have been mad! I should have told you the second I ran into in the barn." I said. Andy smiled a bit. "Ok.. well, do you wanna invite him over?" Andy said. "What?" I replied, Confused. Andy grabbed my phone and texted peter. "I'm inviting him over." Andy said.

The was a loud knock at the door almost as soon as andy sent the message. How the fuck did he get here so fast.. andy opened the door for him, and let him in. He instantly ran to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry claus I'm so so so so sorry!" He squealed. I giggled a bit. "It's ok peter, it's all resolved now." I said, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Really?" He mumbled, glaceing at andy. "Yes." I said in a reassuring tone. Andy sat next to us. "Peter, I forgive you for what you did to me. I hope that some day in the future we could forget about it and become good friends." Andy said, and pat peter on the back of the head. He nodded and suddenly kissed me. Just a quick one. I guess he really missed me.. hah.

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