Whats to happon

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I got on the plain and pulled out my grandmas music box and opened it it played a beautiful song as it played I sang to it but really softly. One of the plane people came so I carefully put it back in my bag and pulled out my phone she said" would you like anything "? I shuck my head and she walked away I searched threw my songs to find one. The plane landed and I got off it was beautiful in Washington the sky was blue the air was fresh and there was no smoke or factory's. I looked around it was amazing but something caught my eye I saw someone looking at me I turned to look over at him but he was gone my coach asked me what I was looking at but I just said " nothing I just got distracted ". He shrugged his shoulders and he walked away. Later that night I was in my bed restless the window flung open I jumped out of bed I walked over to the window and looked out it I said to myself" oh it was just the wind ". I closed the window and latched it I sat on my bed and rubbed my eyes then I looked up there was my music box sitting on the table I was curios for how it got there because no one knew about it unless someone was spying on me I stud up and walked over to it and picked it up and bought it to the bed with me I laid down and opened it. It played the same beautiful song I closed it and fell asleep the next morning I woke up ate cereal got dressed and went out side. While I was outside I saw that same guy from before he had a hat on with a long dragging coat I watched him for a moment till he disappeared into the bushes. I walked into the trees expecting him to jump out and kill me but nothing happened I kept walking the sun began to set and I had no idea were I was I looked around then just gave up I walked over to a fallen tree and sat on it I pulled out my music box and played it the song played sweatily and the Eco was beutifule I watched the little figurine dance around like there was no problem in the world. I sang to the beautiful melody and when I looked up there were people everywhere I closed the box and fell back they where all looking at me I asked" w-what do you want ". One walked threw the crowd and said" we heard the magnificence of the box and followed the sound "! I was quite frightened I thought to myself" if they could here the box then there has to be civilization nearby so I asked" how did you hear the box "? Hoping to get a response because the music box wasn't loud at all ". He stepped out of the shadow and I could see his skin piercing fangs my heart skipped a beat and I scrawled back a little. I said" p-please don't hurt me ". He laughed" heart you now why would I do that we've just got a new student "!!! I looked at him weirdly and stuttered" m-me "? He said" but of course you be wield marinas box she was the most beautiful vampire in the galaxy ". He reached out his hand I was pretty hesitant to grab it but I did. He pulled me up with a lot of strength he looked me strait in the eyes he said my hair soft as wild and my eyes were as green as nature I blushed and I looked at him and said in my mind" his eyes were as blue as the ocean waves and his hair was un speakable. Suddenly we heard a howl he looked around and he said" we must move its not safe during nightfall we must hurry ". He picked me up and ran all the rest followed we came into a big opening in the field and he put me down to pull something out of his pocket it was some sort of sand. He threw some in the air and a portal opened he shoved me threw and all the rest came soon after.we were at some type of school he said" welcome to Forever high ". I looked in amazement I looked at the school and it was huge I was speechless he said to me" I know it's pretty amazing isn't it "? I nodded my head in dis belief and said" it's like my dream ". He grabbed my hand and led me inside he said that class was about to start so I followed him he explained everything to me. After school ended instead of the sun going down it was going up so I thought to myself" did I just stay up all night "? I sat on a bench and he sat to I yawned he said" are you tired you can rest your head on my shoulder if you want" So I did and soon after that I was out like a light. I woke up in a room I think it was his bed room I opened the door and walked down stairs his mom was making something and he was no were I slowly walked towards the kitchen were his mom was and asked" ummm hi m-my name is Sam ". She turned and said" hi Sam nice to meat you please sit I'll make you some pancakes". I sat at the table and watched as she cooked them she placed them down and I said" thank you ". She said " just call me Janie ". I thanked her and ate the pancakes I said" mis Janie these pancakes are amazing "!!! She said back" thank you it's an old family recipe that someday I hope to share with my daughter in law". I looked down t the plate and realized she was talking about me quickly I said in defense" but I'm not.......a vampire ". She looked at me and came close she inspected me I was shaking in fear and she said sadly" oh I see so your not that doesn't mean we have to take dramatic measures she took off her apron and said" so what is it that bring you here h...Sam ". I said back" umm my grandmas music box apparently summoned a lot of vampires and one being your son ". She asked" and we're is that music box now "? I said" in m-my backpack ". She pulled out my backpack and opened it she pulled out the box and gasped on dis belief she said" marinas music box how'd you get this ". I said" it was a gift from my great grandma I don't know how she got it earthier please don't hurt me I'll leave right now and never come back ". Mis Janie said" there'll be no kneed for that you must have vampiric blood in you but it stretched its self thin and didn't make it to you and that means you have to earn being a vampire "!!! She walked out of the kitchen with my music box she pulled out a phone and called someone I stud up put my plate in the sink then quietly walked up stairs and back into his room.

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