Still Akward...just wait

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Thunder was neighing like his normal self with his gorgeous shiny black coat with a small,yet noticeable,little white heart in the center of his chest.
After my little moment of admiration, I heard James tell me he was leaving.
"No! Please dont leave me!"I said.

"Relax.Im going to come back in a few.I just have to go pick up some stuff from the store."he said.

"Ok,just dont be gone too long."

"I wont I promise."
And with that he left.
After a few minutes of brushing Thunder, someone walked up to me.
It was a little girl who looked about seven years old.She had two cute little dark blonde braids framing her face and was wearing a purple and black riding outfit.
"Hi! I'm Taylor!" She said with an excited and cheeky grin that spread across her small heart-shaped face.
"I'm Carriba, I guess I'm your riding instructor. Its nice to meet you!" I said just as excited, though I was a bit worried that she wont like me.I am somewhat shy.Ha! Just kidding, I'm not somewhat shy, I am EXTREMELY shy! Even towards little girls like her.I am so lame.

She started walking towards one of the horses.I noticed that it was one of the younger and less tamed ones.I think I heard my mom calling her Callista once.She went up to pet her but she started to kick the stalls.Taylor started screaming and tried to hide behind me.She pulled me and I tripped resulting in me falling in the horse's trough and Taylor jumping out of the way before she did too.Lucky kid.

Someone came running around the corner. It was James! "James!,"I said,"You're back!I am so glad you are here man." James just looked at me and asked,"What happened."I could tell he was trying to hold in a laugh because he looked like a chipmunk holding in too many nuts. "Oh, you know just chillin' in the trough that's all.." He just gave me an all too knowing look.He went back around the corner and came back with a few towels. He helped me out of the trough muttering something along the lines of "clumsy girl".He handed me the towels,I didn't notice it before,but, he was also holding some clothes for me to change into.

"Go into one of the stalls and I'll watch Taylor and help her saddle up."

"Thanks James.Once again you are my life saver."

"Psh,tell me about it."

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