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Your pov:
I was reading my favorite scary book , the book always gave me shivers down my spine,I stopped reading my book for a second and heard a big bang from downstairs.

I got so scared,it couldn't be Vic cause she was at band practice,I got out of bed and walked slowly downstairs,I opened the bedroom door and looked around the house from the view I was at, there was nothing.

It was nighttime so that made it even worse for me,I walked down the stairs , opened the door to see if Vic was home,she wasn't.

There was another bang ,I could hear footsteps get closer to me so I quickly shut the door,ran upstairs ,got to my room,shut and locked the door.

I went to my bed and put the covers over me ,I put my hand to my mouth so I could be quiet ,I started to cry ,I didn't like ghosts at all and I was all alone.

I got my phone and tried to shake it off ,I couldn't ,I felt like I was being watched in the corner of my eyes ,I started to cry again and kept on repeating 'this isn't true'.

My phone lit up,it was Vic.

She said that she'll be home in 10 minutes,I sighed in relief.

After a couple minutes I heard the door shut and come up the stairs ,and knocked on the door "hey Vic" ,no answer "Vic,I said hey" ,no answer again.

I started to text Vic

Y/n:Vic I said hey to you ,so say hello back cause I would really appreciate if you didn't ignore me.

Vic:amore ,I'm not at the house.

My whole body froze,I didn't know what to do at this point,my face was filled with sweat,my hands were shaking.

I stared until I heard a door open ,"amore,I'm finally here" ,it was the real Vic.

I got out of the bed unlocked the door,ran down the stairs and gave her a big hug "Vic I was so scared" ,she looked at me confused "what happened,well first of all why did you send me that text,that really freaked me out".

I stared at her "well I when I say this you'll probably think I'm a manic" "what happened y/n" ,I laughed a little "well I think there are ghosts in this household".

Vic looked very scared "well at least we'll have each other's backs ,ok? ,Don't be scared I'm right here" ,I nodded "let's go to bed now,it's getting late".

We got upstairs and I changed into shorts and a bra cause it was hot today,I went into bed with Vic ,"I'm scared Vic" "don't be ,I'm right here,come here", she pulled me into her chest and started playing with my hair.

"See ,I told you that I'm right here , I'll be there for you,ok? Let's go to sleep now" , I nodded and we both went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night ,I was breathing heavily,I heard a little girl giggling ,I saw a black figure on the corner of my eye" ,I got to scared so I started to wake up Vic.

"Vic ,Vic ,Vic please wake up ,I'm so scared" ,I started to cry,I saw the black figure get closer to me "come on Vic ,please wake up",it was about to get me until Vic turned on the lights.

She looked scared and exhausted "y/n ,whats the matter,why are you crying ,did you see something" ,I couldn't speak cause I was so scared so I just nodded my head.

The only words I could get out were "can we talk about this tomorrow,please" "of course now let's go to bed" ,she was about to turn off the light "wait, keep them on".

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