Foreign Lands

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Walking out of the castle, Hatham checks his map for the woodvale. An ancient forest spanning millions of miles. Scouring his map he sees a few things that catch his intrigue. The first is a lake with a large island with multiple levels. The second is the many taverns and sprawling towns dotting the landscape. And the final thing being a blank splotch in the north west corner of the forest. 

"Hmph" hatham thinks briefly but ignores it believing it just hadn't been explored yet. 

Walking through the market clutching each of the sages clutching there bags tightly to avoid pickpockets, Hatham finds the west gate and uses the water at the bottom of the moat to carry all of them over. He toys with Klinta by sharply lowering it to startle her. " by the nine! Those are sages!" one of the guards exclaims.

 The sages [once out of earshot of the guards] laugh at how surprised they were. After many hours of walking they were still nowhere near the island. 

"Alright this is stupid" Klinta said breaking the deafening silence. "Okay I have a preposition, we should race but using our powers!"

 "Oh it is on!" Cial said. 

Klinta counted down from three, each floating on their element. Hatham wicked away humidity in the air with his staff, he stood on top of a blue wave. Shoto shattered the earth with his axe, collecting the stone underneath his feet. Both Cial and Klinta stood ready.


 Cial and Klinta leapt into the air. Cial stepped on air like it was a set of stairs, Klinta shot fire from her feet in unison with each step she took. Hatham quickly took the lead with Klinta right at his side. After about twenty minutes they were out of sight from the others. But now they could see the lake. Again wanting to help his friends he ponders what to do. 

"I could use my new ice staff?" he asked Klinta.

"no, that would be pretentious. "

"hmmm. Aha! I will make a potion"

 clicking a button on his staff, the bottom weighted end opened showing an array of herbs and oils. He uses levers on the compartment to select the ingredients and pours it into a cylindrical container. He swirls it around in front of his eyes checking the composition. He leaves two bottles of it, handing one to Klinta.

"This potion will create a film in the bronchiole in your lungs. Allowing you to breathe water" 

Hatham then stepped onto the water, which swirled underneath his foot. And then walked to the Island hoping to replenish his ingredients he had used today. Stepping onto the soft grass of the two story cliff. Moss squished underneath his feet. Klinta downs the potion drinking the blue, bubbling liquid in one gulp. Klinta steps into the water hesitantly, the water would drag any sage to it's depths apart from the water sages. she sinks to the bottom and quickly walks to the edge of the cliff.

" i wonder..." Hatham pushes the thought away and climbs the cliff.

 He did not anticipate how the sharp granite would slice his hands. his blue blood drains against the jagged storm cracked rock.

He finally reaches the summit and stands under the sun, its bright yellow embrace warms him. 

" Hey, thanks for the potion. I'm still soaked and would rather you carry me on the wave, but thank you" Klinta said patting her straw hat. 

" Agh, why did I not think of that?" 

"it's okay, you thought of your friends and that is what counts"

Klinta ignites herself boiling off the water. the sun setting in the distance Hatham and Klinta sit and talk of the tales they experienced.

" the sands of Enbyoru are made of the tears of the nine, they cried for Acron as he used his body to shield the world."

"that is... beautiful. the towns I've been in were seedy and evil, taking without thought." Hatham explained.

"that does not sound like you? wait a minute! you are bleeding . here let me seal it." Klinta demanded

Hatham moved over to Klinta as she warmed her thumb to cauterize the wound. Her warm hand clasped his and sealed the wound. Hatham sharply turned his head, not in pain but for her not to see his blushing. Klinta looked up to see a little red cheek turn away. She grabbed his jaw and turned him back. staring into his eyes. 

" oh ho ho. you like me?" klinta said in a dominant voice

" n-no..." Hatham whimpered out

Klinta pulled him close and Hatham followed. they leaned on their hands to kiss when.

" Hey! you little bastard. why did you not tell us where we were going?" Cial called

Hatham and Klinta snapped to reality and blushed before quickly putting themselves together.

" oh uhhhh, I figured it was obvious." 

Shoto and Cial climbed the cliff and set up camp.

" this cliff can be shaped into a cozy dorm for us. but that will be tomorrow." Hatham told Shoto

setting up camp the four slept on the cliff. but somewhere in the night Klinta made her way to Hatham. saying.

" I need you to warm me up..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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