Old Friends And new Beginnings

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The group strolled through the human town of biekdor, a peaceful town filled with merchants trying to make a liveable wage and the aristocratic trooms gawking at the poor.

 "Shame, it truly is, don't these humans know they can revolt? There is more of them than there are of the troooms?" Cial said with genuine intrigue. 

" Oh dear" hatham said with a noticeable sense of superiority. " they have many yes, but numbers do not lead to victory; Think, they have no leader nor food. Sadly enough the human mind is powerful yes but so so fragile. From birth they are told that they have no power and cannot stand against the mighty trooms" hatham tells the group. His years of living near a human capital showing. 

" I see, like a golem to rats" Shoto says with such bravado it shakes the huts the merchants stand. carrying on they near the castle where the king and his disciples are shuttered from the prosperity in the lower city. 

"Hey I thought we were going to our tavern?" Klinta inquired 

" oh, I have some bad news" Hatham said 

"what do you mean" klinta asked

. " well the tavern owner died 2 months ago, but do you remember the little one we saw each time we went there" hatham informed Klinta. 

" oh that cheeky bugger, I remember when he was ogling at the gold engravings on your staff" hathams staff was a moonstone base with gold tribal engravings. A lever would be pulled and a compartment would be revealed showing all necessary ingredients for a potion. " he would pull that lever make any potion imaginable" hatham said fondly. 

" oh yes, he now owns the shop and is a strapping young lad if I say so myself."

 "well let's take a look at this wee bearn" shoto shouted. 

The group entered the castle gates in awe as they glance at the carvings,statues,paintings,bards,food,life, that was never there beforehand. They find the shop and Hatham slowly creaks open the door but it swings open as the (now man) opened the door and embraced the group. 

" Hatham! Cial! Shoto! Klinta!" he yelled.

 " it has been so long come,come," he ushered the group in as the bard played his lute. 

" Hatham i have been making wonderful elixirs from the alchemical ingredients you taught me to forage for" he said brimming with joy. 

"Ahem, WHAT did you just say hatham taught you?" cial and Klinta said in perfect unison.

 " yes he taught me all the ways in alchemy and sorcery. Oh! I almost forgot I made some brandy for you too. you gave me recommendations when you stopped by two years ago"

 " they are an enbyouru brandy from local fruits and a strong one made from fermented imp choles. Here drink up!" Hatham butts in " oh its my fault teaching him when YOU ASKED FOR A CUSTOMIZED ALE!!???" 

the boy while the three are fighting hands shoto a beer" hey I made this for you."

 well my wee lad what have we here" "it is a mushroom beer fermented with beef stock and dedmin tilps deers bark shavings"

 shoto is pleasantly surprised " well there me lad it seems you have a talent for mixing ingredients"

 he takes a sip "phew it is strong and savory I would age it with a potato and for 3 more days. But otherwise I say you have some talent" the sages drank and ate the whole night 'til dawn broke. 

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