Stupidity or Bravery

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Stupidity and bravery were two different things. I am well aware of that.

I was also aware that I was giving Helen more reason to scribble down her notepad when we next met. The diagnosis might worsen, and the medications change. If I was really crazy, it was good to accept it early, and if not –

A shiver went down my spine. I dialed 911 as I climbed up the stairs. The operator's almost mechanical voice sounded immediately.

"Sandblurry St. The old building west of Grace's coffeeshop. Please hurry."

"Calm down. First, tell me your name."

"Lillian. You really need to hurry. This is a matter of life and death!" I hissed. Perhaps the operator heard the desperation and tension in my voice. The line was silent for a second before the operator repeated the address I had first given.

"Please stay on the line until one of our officers get to you."

The emergency notice shut down from a drained battery flashed on my screen at almost the same second. The black screen reflected my panicked expression. Perfect! I just hoped the police would still come.

I pocketed my phone as I reached the third floor. The silence over the building was now filled with tension and dread. Do I wait?

A faint thudding noise could be heard from the apartment. The door was still ajar. I peered in and found no one in the living room or kitchen. I stepped inside slowly, careful as I shifted my weight to lessen the groaning sound of the wood flooring. The sound of running water reached my ears when I arrived at the edge of the hallway leading to the bedroom. Good. The old woman seemed preoccupied. I went over to the door where the thudding noise was coming from. I took a deep breath and turned the knob. It was unlocked. The room was dim, but I could easily make out the silhouette of a man in a far corner.

I groped on the walls and turned on the light. The sudden brightness made me turn away for a second. Nothing could have prepared me for the horrendous sight that greeted me when I looked up. The man had no lips. It was more fit to describe that his lips were underneath a layer of skin. The layer appeared smooth, and beneath I could see the movement of his lips. His arms were gone, and one leg looked as if it was boneless and could only be dragged behind as he moved. His face was stricken with fear.

My heart beat slammed against my chest. Who would do this? And why?

The sound of the water stopped. I quickly went to him and helped him up, fighting the nausea from the rising shock. Please not now. I had to get this man to safety first.

It was probably the adrenaline that helped me drag the man to the door. The old woman's voice rang out loud and clear behind us as we were about to step outside.

"Where are you taking my son, dear?" The boy and I both froze. His body started to shake. The pungent smell of urine wafted in the air. Shit. I repeatedly cursed in my mind. I tried to move but found my body turning around instead of facing the old woman.

The old woman's eyes were bright and narrowed. Her lips pulled back in a terrifying smirk. She held up one bony finger -the nail black and pointed. "Be a good girl and come back inside."

I was trembling like the boy. This woman is more than crazy. My body lurched towards the sofa as if heeding her words. My thoughts exploded, and I strained against the invisible control.

The smile on the woman's face disappeared. "Such tenacity is troublesome. I have to get you back as a whole; otherwise, I wouldn't mind taking an arm or two as my son here."

That invisible force weighing down on my body lifted. I took a step back, and the woman lurched towards us. She ran with an agility that an old woman should not possess. My body went cold. It felt like the scene was in slow motion. Before her bony fingers could reach me, a slender palm connected with the woman's face sending her body hurtling to the wall in the kitchen.

"That's what you call a bitch slap." A familiar voice rang in my ears. I turned stiffly to find Olah, the new tenant from the first-floor standing, with a disgusted expression as she looked down at the pool of yellow liquid between us.

"How pitiful." She murmured at the boy who had long passed out and was now leaning on me.

"You-" A deafening screech sounded. I covered my ears and watched in chagrin as the unconscious boy fell down the floor.

The old woman had stood up. Her eyes seethed with rage. "I should have known when it reeked of dogs!"

"For the record, you smell like the dead, and you look like it too." Olah spat, unfazed. She looked at me and smiled. "You should probably take this guy downstairs. You wouldn't want to see how this will end up."

I certainly do not! I thought. But the strength in my legs had long left me. The dizziness had once again come. There were now three Olah's hovering over me.

"Oh, dear." Olah sighed and looked behind her. "You should take her away."

Who was she talking to? I wanted to ask when I felt myself being lifted off the ground. A familiar scent – a mix of sandalwood and evergreen reached my nose, and the dizziness quickly disappeared. The spinning world came to a standstill. The furious screech and the animalistic growl faded into the background as my eyes met a familiar silver pair.

In an instant, memories of that night flooded my mind. Of his hungry gaze. Of a pair of golden orbs that trapped me in their depths. Of his bare skin sliding against mine.

The erotic images had become so clear. My body felt it was in immense heat again. The longer I looked at him, the more I thought back on the difficult month I was on the brink of insanity. My chest tightened. A mixture of feelings - anger, embarrassment, and fear clouded my mind. The upsurge caused the thread of reason in me to snap. I went ballistic on him, and all hell broke loose.  

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