Chapter 28: Sleep Over in the Great Hall

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We are all currently getting our sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets together and ready for tonight on the floor of the Great Hall. Thankfully we are able to sleep wherever we please and besides whoever we want.

"Are you alright there angel? Do you need 'nother blanket or wanna borrow my jumper?" Fred's rambling stops shortly as he starts to pull off his jumper.

His shirt gets stuck along with it causing the surrounding girls to attach their eyesight on the toned torso of the redhead.

"Fred! What are you doing?" I harshly whisper to him as I throw my blanket at him to cover him from unwanted eyes.

"What? I figured maybe you wanted my shirt as well. Don't want my girl to get cold." He confessed sheepishly, pushing the blanket down, but only low enough for it to not be covering his face.

"My love, I really appreciate it. I just don't think giving everyone here in the great hall a strip tease is going to help. Especially if you get a cold from being shirtless." I explain, grabbing his jumper and slipping it on but passing back the white-T to the grinning Weasley.

"Alright, may we have everyone settle down now." The Headmaster speaks out to the room. "And yes, please refrain-as Miss Delgado here called it- from giving a strip tease..." he trails off, looking towards me for confirmation. "to everyone else here in the Great Hall, Mr. Weasley."

Everyone laughed at Dumbledore's sentence as I couldn't help but laugh along with everyone else, even Fred was laughing. The Headmaster continued on to explain the reasoning behind us being here tonight and then excused everyone to sleep.

I look over to Fred as I lay across from him, giving him a cheeky smile and a small wave from my cocoon of blankets wrapped around me. He giggles and waves back then looking around briefly-to see everyone asleep and the teachers who are waiting guard outside and inside the hall- scooting over until he is only a couple inches in front of me. I give him a confused look until he unzips his sleeping bag and motions me over.

I roll my eyes playfully yet shuffle over until I'm in his arms and under the warm scratchy fabric of his sleeping bag. I sigh out in content as I feel one arm snaking around my waist and the other sliding underneath my pillow as an extra cushion.

"Mmm, this is nice." I whisper, wondering if he heard me.

"Mhm, indeed it is angel." His warm breath tickled my neck causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"Promise me something, Freddie?" I mumble out after a while.

"What's that?"

"In the future, don't try to do anything stupidly heroic or stick to Percy's side long enough to hear him say some measly joke." I half-heartedly joke. "please?" I beg, gripping onto his arm encircled around me tighter.

He looked confused at my sudden randomness. "I promise I will try to, especially if it's listening to Percy about anything." He hums, a small smirk at his crack at his older brother.

"Good, need you here, Weasley." I murmur as I start to fall asleep.

"I promise I will always stay with you. I solemnly swear, angel." He whispers into deaf ears as I already had fallen into oblivion.


I feel a sudden jerk behind me that was the cause of waking up. I let out an annoyed growl and with my eyes still closed, I pulled back the sense of heat that was keeping me warm. I know I'm on top of it as I feel the firmer surface change into a softer one. An involuntary sigh leaves my lips, causing whoever was around me to chuckle.

Wait. Who the heck is in my dorm?

I lean up from my bed to check out my surroundings to find my friends-along with Colin Creevey with his old camera pointed down at me... and Fred.

Of course, how can I forget we had to sleep in the damn Great Hall last night and I ended up cuddling in Fred's sleeping bag before we fell asleep. The events of last night come to mind as I look down at Fred to see him smiling sleepily up at me, hair tousled everywhere and yet, still looking beautiful as ever.

"Alright shows over guys. Go on." I shoo them away.

Obviously, not before calling Creevey for the two pictures he took of us, thanking him with more candy and some money, and then finally shooing him off along with the rest.

"Mmm, good morning angel."

"Good morning there yourself Weasley." I can't help but stare, analyzing his features as if that's the last thing I'm going to see.

"Wha- Fred, I could have sworn you had that shirt on last night." I feel my face heat up at the realization that I am laying on his bare chest. His white-T laid shriveled on the floor beside him.

"I was, I just got hot with your warmth so I decided to take it off." He shrugs, smirking up at me.

I pat his head gently sat before sitting up, making sure he was still covered with the blanket before I stretch my arms out and wiggle my toes, feeling satisfied with the release of the built up tension from the night before leaving my body.

I turn my attention to my sleeping bag and blankets, folding them up to a neat pile and then within a blink of an eye they disappear-most likely ending up back in my dorm- turning back around I notice Fred has sat up as well with his blanket wrapped around him like a burrito causing a smile to form as I study the way he looks incredible adorable (and hot) in his position.

"Like what you see, darling?" He winks at me, his head tilted to the side.

"Oh hush, why don't you put back on that shirt and pack up your stuff " I wave him off, turning away so he doesn't see the deep blush covering my face.

I would feel even more embarrassed if there were more people in here but thankfully the majority of them have left for their dorms to get ready for classes. I feel his arms wrap around my waist from behind, I look behind to see him on his knees with his head pressed against my shoulder as he looks up at me smiling. Even on his knees this guy is still tall, not a shocker as I'm only five-two.

"What are you doing?" I question softly, smiling down at the gentle Weasley.

"Mmm nothing," his voice came across muffled. "can't I just hold my girl?"

"I mean, I don't mind." I shrug with a smile, shaking my head at his behavior. "Although, as much as I love this moment, I would like to go to the tower so I can change into more suitable clothing for the day."

"Ugh, fine." He shuffles to his feet then grabs ahold of my hand as we walk out the Great Hall and up the marble staircase.

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