Another boring day. Our teachers didn't come today so we are just here doing absolutely nothing. Not that i like doing school but it's just better than doing nothing. And my fat- ass did not bring my phone to school today. I know what you think. How Can she forget the most important thing in life. The answer is simple. I woke up late like very late. My phone was plugged in my mom's room and she was also sleeping. I only had time to get ready eat and live the house.
And Guess what ?! There was no teacher ! I tried to read a manga but did not have the mood to. I started chatting with some friends in class but there was nothing interesting to Bring on.
Me - guys let us play seak and kiss.
Nam - oh yes ! Let us play. Emi you start this time.
Me - i- fine
Seak and kiss is a game i invented back then a day similar to this. We were very bored like really bored and i just came up with it. The rules are simple. We cover your eyes with a piece of cloth so that you can't see anything. Bring you to a random place and you start walking around. The first person you touch you kiss him or her without removing the peice of cloth on your eyes. Once you are done you Can take off the cloths without of course looking at the person you kissed. Why? We don't want to feel akward with that person. It is very fun to play.
They covered my eyes and directed me to some random place. All i know is that we walked a long time. They left me and i started searching for someone but the area was very empty. I search for about 30mins or more i don't really know. I finally touched someone. By the feel on the chest i Can tell it's a boy. With a good body. If i was in an anime blood will flow out my nose. I was touching everywhere to find a face but the dude was very tall. Strange thing he did not move one time. Cool. Let me end this. I finally talked
Me - who ever this is Can you please put your face close to mine?
He did without saying anything. I could feel him breath on my face. I then put my two hands on his face to find his lips. When found i placed them behind his head to pull it Closer and kiss him. His hairs were soo soft i almost forgot what i was here for.
I kissed him. Like a small smack. But when i wanted to pull away i felt his hand holding my head from behind and the small smack became a Real kiss. It lasted longer than i thought. He pulled away only when we both started lacking of oxygen. After that i think he ran away because when i removed the peice of cloth the place was empty. I then noticed that those mfs braught me to the other side of the school building !! Fine. I'll have to walk 45mind to reach my class cause yeah i walk fast.
45mins later
Me - who did that ?
Minseo - it's nam.
Me - fine your turn nam. I said pointing at her with the peice of cloth.
I must take revenge on her. I was the one to find a place for her to search. And Guess what i choosed. The only place where her crush stays. As i thaught he was the only one there. On another way i'm helping her. She did not spend much time searching like me. When she kissed him i came and removed the peice of cloth covering her eyes and she saw who she was kissing. She emidiately pull away from him and ran away. More precisely ran After me.
Nam - come here you lil shit !
Me - Come find me!
Nam - you'll pay for this !
Me - you should thank me idiot !
We continue to run through campus for what felt like eternity. We stopped because we were tired. School finally ended and we headed home. Finally this day was fun.

FanficI'm sorry guys this book is not complete yet I showed him the picture of the two of us kissing in that classroom. He was not shocked at all. What ?! That's all he feels ?! Me - that's it ? Chan - what? Me - that's all it makes you? The entire schoo...